Comment on reviews

You can add comments to an entire review or a specific file in a review.

Add comments to entire review

You can add comments to an entire review when it is at specific states. Comments are displayed in a review's activity feed.

For details on how to modify reviews, see Edit reviews.

To add a comment to a review:

  1. On the top navigation bar, select a space from the spaces list.

  2. (Optional) To restrict the scope of the search, select a product or Git repository and then open a stream/branch.

  3. On the sidebar, select Reviews.

  4. From the review list, open a review.

  5. In the Conversation tab, in the Description section, click Join the conversation.

  6. In the text box, enter your comment. You can format the comment using the toolbar buttons or Markdown syntax. For details, see Markdown syntax reference. To preview the comment, click Preview.

  7. When you have finished, click Comment.

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Add comments to files

You can add comments to specific files in a review and collaborate with team members. Each reviewer receives an email with a snippet of the code and the review comments.

For details how to inspect files in reviews, see Browse files in reviews.


  • Comments are tied to the file version where they were added and shown when that version is displayed.
  • Comments are not added to the actual file versions.
  • You can add comments to reviews at specific states.
  • You can edit your own comments until there is a reply.

To add a comment to a file:

  1. On the top navigation bar, select a space from the spaces list.

  2. (Optional) To restrict the scope of the search, select a product or Git repository, and then open a stream/branch.

  3. On the sidebar, select Reviews.

  4. From the review list, open a review.

  5. On the review page, select the Changes tab.

  6. In the file tree on the left, click the file you want to comment on. Both the previous and latest versions of the file are displayed by default.

  7. In the file contents, click the line number and drag up or down to select the lines where you want to add a comment.

  8. In the text box, enter your comment. You can format the comment using the toolbar buttons or Markdown syntax. For details, see Markdown syntax reference.
  9. (Optional) You can email comments to users who are not included in a review, for example, when you want the opinions of other developers. Click User mention @ on the toolbar or enter the @ character, and then enter the name of a registered user, for example, @username.

    PulseUno automatically displays the list of users that match.

    Tip: If a username contains spaces, use the following syntax: @[username with spaces].

  10. To preview your comment, click Preview.

  11. To add the comment, click Comment. Your comment is now visible to your team members. Any responses are added in the same comment box.

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See also: