Chains overview

A chain consists of a sequence of steps, and each step can run one plugin.

Chains of plugins enable you to:

  • Perform builds.

  • Capture build artifacts.

  • Create and build Docker containers.

  • Deploy assets.

  • Fetch code from a repository.

  • Examine source code and artifacts for security vulnerabilities, report findings, and provide an opinion.

  • Perform static analysis.

  • Perform other activities such as fetch sources and send email notifications.

    For details about available chain plugins, see Plugins overview.

Note: To work with chains, you need maintainer, owner, or administrator permissions. For details, see Manage members and teams.

Example chain

In this example, the chain has three steps:

Step 1: Maven builds the stream.

Step 2: Capture to Dimensions CM captures the targets to the stream.

Step 3: DA Deployment deploys the application to an environment.

Chains are owned by streams or branches. You can create multiple, independent chains to run on the same stream, for example:

  • The first chain runs on every delivery and performs brief static analysis.
  • A second chain runs at midnight every day, performs more thorough analysis, and deploys software.

Note: PulseUno uses agents to run chains. By default, an agent can run one chain at a time. To run multiple chains in parallel, make sure you have enough available agents. For details about agents, see Manage agents.

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