Create pull requests

If pull requests are not configured to be created automatically for a topic stream or branch, you can create one manually. You cannot create a pull request in a non-topic stream or parent branch.

For details on how to define the settings for creating pull requests automatically, see Configure how pull requests are created.

For details on how to view information in pull requests, see View details in reviews.

To manually create a pull request:

  1. On the top navigation bar, select a space from the spaces list.

  2. On the Products page, open a product or Git repository.

  3. On the sidebar, select Code > Branches.

  4. From the branches list, open the topic stream or branch to be the source of the pull request.

  5. Click New Pull Request.

  6. On the new pull request page, specify the following details:

    Target stream

    Select the target stream or branch to which to merge the pull request when development is complete.

    By default, this is the parent of the topic stream or branch.

    Title Enter a brief description for the pull request.
    Description (Optional) Provide a detailed description of the pull request.

    Select a request that describes the changes to be made. This request is used to merge the changes into the target stream/branch.

    If the topic stream or branch is already related to a request, the request is selected automatically.

    To relate a different request, click Relate request and select a request in the Relate Requests dialog box. To unrelate a request, click Unrelate .

  7. Click Create. The new pull request is now in the Draft state.

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See also: