Publish pull requests

If you are the author of a pull request, you can publish it for review after you finish delivering your changes.

When you publish a pull request, it moves to the In Review state and the reviewers are notified.

To publish a pull request:

  1. On the top navigation bar, select a space from the spaces list.

  2. (Optional) To restrict the scope of the search, open a product or Git repository and then a stream/branch.

  3. On the sidebar, select Reviews.

  4. From the review list, open the pull request you want to publish.

  5. (Optional) In the Conversation tab, review the details, such as the description, related requests, review tags, and assigned reviewers, and make changes, if needed.

    Note: You can edit a review or pull request only if you are its author (owner). Otherwise, you need administrator or space owner permissions.

    For details, see Modify pull requests.

  6. Click Publish.

  7. Click Publish Review. Depending on your review rules, you may want to action the related request to its In Review state. For details, see Review rules.

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See also: