Customize changeset and review pages

Customize the information displayed by default on changeset and review pages, including pull request pages.

You can choose to display the following elements on changeset and review pages by default:

  • Comments made by reviewers.

  • Findings on files made by experts.

  • Entire files, not only the lines that have changed.

  • Previous versions of files.

  • Combine the previous and current differences of files.

Note: Customizations apply to your pages only and do not affect other users.

To customize the view of changeset and review pages:

  1. In PulseUno, click the user avatar on the top navigation bar, and select Preferences.
  2. On the sidebar, select Preferences > Review pages.
  3. Set the display defaults:

    Option Details
    Open page showing tab

    Choose which tab is displayed when opening a review or changeset:

    • Conversation (default)
    • Changes
    • Chain runs
    Show comments in reviews and changesets Enabled by default.
    Include comments from other reviewers  
    Show findings inline Enabled by default. If you clear this option, you can view findings by hovering over the file content margin.
    Include findings on hidden lines  
    Display differences
    Entire file Select this option to display the entire file rather than only the relevant part of a file's contents.
    Previous version of file The previous revision of a file is displayed by default. Clear this option to display only the latest version.
    Show differences as
    • Side by side. File revisions are displayed side by side.
    • Unified. The previous and current revisions of a file are displayed combined.
    White spaces

    Select an option to control how white space is displayed:

    • Show all spaces (default)
    • Trim spaces
    • Ignore spaces
  4. Click OK.

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See also: