View changesets

On a changeset page, you can view the details of a specific changeset. A changeset page displays the following information:

  • The changeset ID and title.

  • The associated stream or project.

  • Recent activity, such as plugins that ran on the changeset.

  • Related requests.

  • The associated reviews.

  • The results of chains that ran on the changeset, including findings and measurements.

  • A list of all the files in the changeset.

  • The contents of the files and comments.

Note: Comments and findings are tied to the file version where they were added, and shown when that version is displayed.

To view a changeset:

  1. On the top navigation bar, select a space from the spaces list.
  2. On the Products page, open a product or Git repository.
  3. (Optional) To further restrict the scope, open a stream or branch.
  4. On the sidebar, select Changesets.

  5. In the changeset list, click a changeset to open the changeset page.

  6. Switch between the tabs to view changeset details:

    Tab Description

    Displays information about related requests and reviews, results of unit tests, and delivery date and time.

    The Activity section displays chain run information, including the state of each plugin, the user who delivered the changes, and plugin results.


    Displays the changes made to the files, and comments from reviewers.

    For details on how to inspect files, see Browse files in reviews.

    Chain Runs

    Displays the history of chain runs, including the chain run status and plugin results.

    Expand each plugin to view its measurements and findings.

    Tip: Use keyboard shortcuts to navigate around the page. For details, see Keyboard shortcuts.

  7. To view the changeset on the changeset graph, click Show on graph.

  8. To browse the contents of the parent stream at the time the changeset was delivered, click View in Code Browser.

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See also: