Install PulseUno

This topic provides an overview of PulseUno installation methods, locations, and configuration settings to help you prepare for a PulseUno installation on Windows or Linux.

To install PulseUno as part of Dimensions CM, see the Dimensions CM help.

Installation methods

Prerequisites: Before installing, ensure that you have fulfilled all the prerequisites. For details, see Before you install.

You can install PulseUno on a Windows or Linux machine using one of the following methods:


Run the installation wizard on Windows

Install from command line on Windows

Install in silent mode


Run the installation wizard on Linux

Install from command line on Linux

Install in silent mode

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Installation components

The PulseUno installer includes the following modules:

Module Description
PulseUno server The main server with the PulseUno web application. This is where PulseUno stores its configuration information. The database is accessed through this server.
Vault server The server for the library of software components (packages).
Git server The server for Git repositories.

For details about the PulseUno components, see Architecture overview.

You can install the modules on the same system or have each module on a different machine. For example, you may consider having your Vault server on a separate machine to ensure enough disk space for packages.

Caution: Make sure your Vault and PulseUno servers are configured to use the same protocol type. For example, if the PulseUno server is configured for HTTPS, the Vault server must also use HTTPS. This ensures that no errors occur when uploading or downloading artifacts through the user interface.

Windows only: The installer includes an embedded PostgreSQL database, which you can use instead of an external database.

Note: The PulseUno installer doesn't provide an embedded agent. You need to install at least one agent for each PulseUno instance. For details, see Install agents.

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Installation directories

When all the modules are installed on the same machine, PulseUno stores its files and data in the following default directories:

Directory Location

The application server's webapps directory


The PulseUno web application runs under the Common Tomcat engine.

The Tomcat webapps directory contains:

  • The pulse.war web application and the pulse subdirectory containing the expanded web application.

  • The git-server.war web application and the git-server subdirectory.

  • The vault-server.war web application and the vault-server subdirectory.

Default locations:

Windows C:\Program Files\OpenText\common\tomcat\<tomcat-version>\webapps
Linux /opt/opentext/common/tomcat/<tomcat-version>/webapps

Note: If the Git and Vault servers are installed on different machines, their web applications are stored under different Tomcat instances.

Root directory for the data directories

Contains the data directories for the PulseUno, Git, and Vault servers.

Default locations:

Windows C:\ProgramData\OpenText\PulseUno
Linux /opt/opentext/pulseuno/data

PulseUno data directory


Contains program data for the web application. Includes the following subdirectories:

  • conf: PulseUno server configuration

  • _logs: PulseUno server logs

  • _caches: application caches

  • _secrets: secrets created in PulseUno

Default locations:

Windows C:\ProgramData\OpenText\PulseUno\pulse_data
Linux /opt/opentext/pulseuno/data/pulse_data

The location of the PulseUno data directory is defined by the dataDir context parameter in this configuration file:


Git server data directory


Contains the Git server configuration and data. Includes the following subdirectories:

  • config: Git server configuration
  • _logs: Git server logs

  • repositories: Git repository files and history

  • _caches: Git caches

Default location:

Windows C:\ProgramData\OpenText\PulseUno\git_data
Linux /opt/opentext/pulseuno/data/git_data

The location of the Git server data directory is defined by the scm.home Java system property, or the SCM_HOME environment variable if the scm.home property is not set.

Typically, the installer sets the scm.home property in this file:


Vault server data directory


Contains the Vault server configuration and data. Includes the following subdirectories:

  • conf: Vault server configuration
  • _logs: Vault server logs

  • storage: vault artifacts

  • _caches: vault caches

Default location:

Windows C:\ProgramData\OpenText\PulseUno\vault_data
Linux /opt/opentext/pulseuno/data/vault_data

The location of the Vault server data directory is defined by the dataDir context parameter in this configuration file:


For details about server and agent configuration, see Configuration settings.

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PulseUno license

PulseUno provides an evaluation option limited to three users and three agents. To have more users or agents, determine what type of licenses and how many of them you need.

For details, see PulseUno licensing.

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