IDefectTrackingSystem Interface
Declarations of properties and methods needed to connect to the defect tracking system and submit defects.
public interface IDefectTrackingSystem : IConnectableSystem  
Public Properties
PropertyCanWorkDisconnectedCan the defect tracking system work without active connection (for example, mail client, file system, etc).  
PropertyIconURIThe URI of the icon of the defect tracking system.  
PropertyIncludeAttachmentstrue if defect attachments are allowed for the logged in project.  
PropertyIsConnectedReturns true if this instance is connected to a defect tracking system. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
PropertyIsLoggedInReturns true if this instance is logged on to a project in the defect tracking system. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
PropertyNameThe display name of defect tracking system.  
PropertyProjectIdentifierThe string that represents the logged-in project. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
PropertyProjectSettingsThe list of fields relevant to connecting to the system. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
PropertyProjectSettingsStringDisplay string of project settings.  
Public Methods
MethodConnectConnects to the defect tracking system. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
MethodDisconnectDisconnects from the defect tracking system. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
MethodGetDefectSubmissionControlReturns the defect submission control containing all fields required to submit a defect to the defect tracking system.  
MethodGetProjectSettingsControlReturns the connection control. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
MethodLoginLogs on to the defect tracking system with the specified project settings. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
MethodLogoutLogs off of the project in the defect tracking system. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
MethodSubmitDefectSubmits a defect to the defect tracking system.  
See Also