Record the script Configure runtime settings Enhance your script Run test Set up the environment

Set up environment

This section describes how to configure TruClient's General settings specific to Digital Lab.

In this topic:

Prepare your environment

To prepare your Digital Lab environment for running a test in TruClient or LoadRunner products:

  1. Make sure you have access to a machine with Digital Lab.
  2. Ensure that your version of TruClient supports your Digital Lab version. For details, see Digital Lab Support matrix.
  3. Ensure that cookies are enabled on your Internet browser.

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Open the General Settings

The TruClient General Settings dialog box lets you set the Digital Lab server preferences globally, so that you do not need to configure them separately for each test.

To open the TruClient General Settings dialog box:

  1. In VuGen, select File > New Script and Solution.
  2. In the Create a New Script dialog box, under the Single Protocol or Mobile category, select TruClient – Native Mobile and click Create. The new script opens.
  3. Select Tools > TruClient General Settings. Wait several seconds. If you cannot see the Settings dialog box, click the Show TruClient General Settings button in the notification window to bring it into focus.
  4. Click the Digital Lab Settings tab.

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TruClient General Settings for Digital Lab

All settings you define in the TruClient General Settings dialog box (in the Digital Lab tab) are applied globally to all TruClient - Native Mobile scripts. You only need to configure these settings once. All subsequently created scripts automatically inherit these settings, even after you close VuGen or TruClient.

In VuGen, if you save your script while in TruClient's interactive mode, the settings from the General Setting dialog box overwrite the runtime settings values in the Solution Explorer.

Setting Description
Server Connection
  • Use secured connection. If you want TruClient to automatically detect whether the server is secure or not, use the default setting, Automatic. If you must use a secure connection, select True.

  • Server URL:Port. The IP address and port of your TruClient server. The default ports are 8080 for non-secure servers, and 8443 for secure servers. For example,

  • Authentication Type: Select the authentication method for connecting to the Digital Lab server.

    • Basic authentication. Enter the credentials with which to connect to the Digital Lab server (User name/Password).

    • Access key authentication. To use access key authorization, enter the access key to connect to the Digital Lab server. TruClient uses Oauth2 to get authorization from the Digital Lab server. For details on generating an execution key, see Access key management.

  • User name/Password. The credentials with which to connect to the Digital Lab lab (available in TruClient version 2020 and earlier).

The Digital Lab login password and access key values are encrypted and displayed as asterisks so that their actual values cannot be seen.

Note: In VuGen, click Check Connection to validate the settings.

Collect data on

The data metrics to collect during replay: CPU on device, Free memory on device, and Consumed memory on device. You can also enable Device logs, for generating logs for each of the devices under test. The device log data is generated by Logcat for Android and Syslog for iOS.

Application - Management

Initial Replay: Whether to restart or install your applications before the first replay.

Iteration. What to do with your applications before and after each iteration: Restart, Install, or Delete.

Reinstalling apps ensures their compatibility with the current version of Digital Lab. This option may not be available if you are using Amazon as a source lab.

For example, if your test runs multiple iterations, and you only want to install the apps for the first iteration, but not on subsequent iterations, configure the settings as follows:

Initial Replay section:
Select Enable from the drop-down list for the Restart application and Install application options.

Iteration section:
Clear the Install application before execution option. Note that this option is only effective if the Simulate a new user for each iteration option is enabled in VuGen's Replay Runtime settings.

Tip: You can manually install the application after executing the configuration flow by selecting Reinstall the application from the Restart/Reinstall toolbar drop-down .

Application - Typing

Typing Simulation Mode. How to simulate key strokes, as defined in the Type action for web elements.

  • DOM Events. (default) Simulates typing at the web page level, without relying on the device keyboard.
  • Device Events. Triggers a device level operation for each key stroke, more accurately simulating a user's action.
Network Virtualization

Lets you enable network virtualization, and select a predefined or user-defined network profile.

Beginning with Digital Lab version 2.20, TruClient integration uses the NV 9.12 predefined network profiles. If your script uses profiles from previous versions, they may fail.

For details, see the Network Virtualization help.


Allows you to customize transactions names by adding a suffix to help you identify them after a test run. For details, see Insert transactions.

The suffix can be one or more of the following:

  • OS type
  • Device ID or name
  • Application identifier or name
Digital Lab Tab

Run on start. Runs the entire configuration flow in the TruClient Digital Lab tab when the TruClient browser opens. When disabled (default), TruClient automatically connects with the Digital Lab server, but does not execute any of the configuration steps.

If you disable this option, you can execute the flow in the following ways:

  • When you click Replay , TruClient automatically executes the flow before running the steps.
  • If you manually run steps using the Play … Step options in the right-click menu, you need to execute the flow using the Execute configuration flow button before running the steps.

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See also: