Record the script Configure runtime settings Enhance your script Run test Set up the environment

Runtime settings

Runtime settings let you set the behavior of your script during replay.

In VuGen, you configure the settings from the Solution Explorer anytime before replay.

In LoadRunner Cloud, you define runtime settings when you select a script for your test. For more information, see the LoadRunner Cloud Help Center.

In this topic:

Set the General runtime settings

The runtime settings' General node allows you to control the pacing and iterations of your test. For general details about the runtime settings, hover over the setting and check the descriptive hint or see the LoadRunner Professional Help Center.

To allow you to run tests using parameters with multiple values for various users, we recommend that you enable the Simulate a new user for each iteration option, under the General > Replay runtime settings.

For example, you may want to run the same test on ten different devices. You can define the Device ID as a parameter, and provide ten Device IDs. When this option is enabled, your test substitutes a different Device ID for each iteration.

For details about using parameters in your script, see Enhance scripts.

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Set the Digital Lab runtime settings

To set the Digital Lab-specific runtime settings for an individual script, double-click the Runtime Settings node in VuGen's Solution Explorer and select the Digital Lab Setting node.

Note: The settings you configure here affect Load mode. If you save the script in Interactive mode, the TruClient General Settings overwrite VuGen's runtime settings.

Set the options according to the following table:

Setting Description
Collect data on

The data metrics to collect during replay: CPU on device, Free memory on device, and Consumed memory on device.

Enable Device logs, to generate logs for each of the devices under test. The device log data is generated by Logcat for Android and Syslog for iOS.

Application - Replay

Initial Replay: Whether to restart or install your applications before the first replay.

Iteration. What to do with your applications before and after each iteration: Restart, Install, or Delete.

Reinstalling apps ensures their compatibility with the current version of Digital Lab. This option may not be available if you are using Amazon as a source lab.

You can also set your preferences in the the Digital Lab wizard.

For example, if your test runs multiple iterations, and you only want to install the apps for the first iteration, but not on subsequent iterations, configure the settings as follows:

Initial Replay section:

Select Enable from the drop-down list for the Restart application and Install application options.

Iteration section:

Clear the Install application before execution option. Note that this option is only effective if the Simulate a new user for each iteration option is enabled in VuGen's Replay Runtime settings.

Tip: You can manually install the application after executing the configuration flow by selecting Reinstall the application from the Restart/Reinstall toolbar drop-down .

Application - Typing

Typing Simulation Mode. How to simulate key strokes, as defined in the Type action for web elements.

  • DOM Events. (default) Simulates typing at the web page level, without relying on the device keyboard.
  • Device Events. Triggers a device level operation for each key stroke, more accurately simulating a user's action.
Network Virtualization

Lets you enable network virtualization, and select a predefined or user-defined network profile.

For details, see Integration with Digital Lab.


Allows you to customize transaction names by adding a suffix to help you identify them after a test run.

The suffix can be one or more of the following:

  • OS type
  • Device ID or name
  • Application identifier or name

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See also: