Known Issues - Web-based SAP

This topic contains troubleshooting and limitation information about testing web-based SAP applications.


We recommend using the UFT One SAP Solutions Add-in only when no other Web-based add-ins are loaded.

The SAP Solutions Add-in modifies Web configuration settings that may affect other add-ins or applications.

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Testing web-based SAP applications on Chrome

Relevant for UFT One versions 2022 and later

You may experience unexpected behavior if you are using the latest extension available in the Chrome store or in the <UFT One installation folder>\Installations\Chrome\v3 folder.

How can I tell if I am using the relevant extension: Navigate to the chrome://extensions/ page and click Details on the extension you installed. The Inspect views of the extension are service worker.

Workaround: Uninstall the existing extension, follow the installation instructions in Automatic Chrome updates disabled and install a different Chrome extension from <UFT One installation folder>\Installations\Chrome\v2.

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Object Identification

Multiple browser windows

In some cases, when more than one browser is open during the test run, UFT One is unable to correctly identify certain objects.

Workaround: Clear the Enable Smart Identification check box for the Browser test objects in the Object Repository window.

You may also want to disable the Enable Smart Identification option for Browser test objects in the Object Identification Dialog Box for future test recording.


Minimized or collapsed iViews may not be recognized correctly.

SAP Enterprise Portal frames

In some cases, a frame in SAP Enterprise Portal may be recognized as a Web Frame object instead of an iView object.

In some of these, the frame name is generated dynamically.

Because the Web Frame object uses the name property to identify the object, you must modify the recorded name value to use an appropriate regular expression so that UFT One will be able to recognize it during the test run.

SAP Web table cells

When using the Object Spy or creating a checkpoint on an object inside an SAP Web table cell, UFT One may recognize the object as a WebElement (and not as the appropriate SAP Web object), if a click has not yet been performed on the object.

Workaround: Click on the object inside the SAP Web table cell before using the Object Spy or creating a checkpoint on it.

Web table cells in SAP NWBC S/4HANA systems

When you use the Object Spy to spy on or create a checkpoint on an object inside an SAP Web table cell in SAP NWBC S/4HANA systems in Internet Explorer, UFT One may capture duplicate table names and cell values.

SAPList objects in SAP NWBC S/4HANA systems

When you spy or record on SAPList objects in SAP NWBC S/4HANA systems in Internet Explorer, the values of some properties captured by UFT One may be wrong.

Active Screen

Avoid using an Active Screen that was captured when a pop-up dialog was open to add an object from the main window to the object repository. Doing this results in an incorrect object hierarchy in the object repository.

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When recording and running steps on a table control, only the table content that is visible on the client is actually available.

iView option menu / SAP Enterprise Portal title bar

Operations on the iView option menu and on objects within the page title bar of SAP Enterprise Portal are recorded as Web operations on the Frame object, and not as SAP operations on the iView object.

Dragging scroll bars

Dragging the SAP GUI for HTML table scroll bar is not recorded.

Workaround: You can record scrolling in SAP GUI for HTML tables by clicking the scroll button. Alternatively, use the Step Generator or Editor to insert an SAPTable.Object.DoScroll("up") or SAPTable.Object.DoScroll("down") statement in your test.

SetCellData method

On some tables in SAP GUI for HTML, the SetCellData method is not recorded properly.

Workaround: When recording, do one of the following after editing a text value in a table cell: 

  • Press Tab to submit the value and move to the next cell.
  • Press Enter to submit the value before clicking a location that is outside the table cell.
SAPList objects

When recording on an SAPList object, you need to click the input part of the list, not its button part in order to enable UFT One to recognize the object.

SAPTable objects on S/4HANA systems

When recording on Internet Explorer, UFT One does not record a step when you press Enter in an SAPTable cell in an S/4HANA system.

Workaround: To instruct UFT One to record an SAPTable.Submit step when Enter is pressed, create the following registry key and set its value to 1:

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\MicTest\Packages\SAPPackage\Settings\RecordSubmitForTableNavigateEvent

Active Screen

The Active Screen may not display the entire HTML page captured while recording your test.

Workaround: Resize the Active Screen so that it best fits the HTML page size.

SAPDropDownMenu objects

UFT One may not be able to record on SAPDropDownMenu objects inside an SAP CRM or WDA application on Chrome or Internet Explorer.

Workaround: Use the Spy to learn the object and add it to the object repository. Then manually add the necessary step to the test.

SAPTabStrip().Select operations on CRM S/4HANA systems

UFT One sometimes records redundant steps when recording SAPTabStrip().Select operations on Internet Explorer.

Workaround: Use the Spy to learn the object and add it to the object repository. Then manually add the necessary step to the test.

SAPTreeView objects
  • The Activate method of SAPTreeView object cannot be recorded in Chrome.

    Workaround: Use the Spy to learn the object and add it to the object repository. Then manually add the necessary step to the test.

  • UFT One may fail to record the Select operation on a node of the SAPTreeView object if you click the node once.


    • Use the Spy to learn the object and add it to the object repository. Then manually add the necessary step to the test.

    • Click the node twice while recording.

SAPUI5 or SAP SuccessFactors in Internet Explorer

In some cases, recording on SAPUI objects in SAPUI5 or SAP SuccessFactors applications in Internet Explorer does not record any steps.

Workaround: Do one of the following:

  • Record the steps in Chrome and run them in Internet Explorer.

  • Use the Spy to learn the SAPUI objects and add them to the object repository. Then manually add necessary steps to the test.

Recording on CRM S/4HANA systems in Firefox

UFT One versions 2021 R1 and later: When recording on a CRM S/4HANA system in Firefox 78.14.0 ESR, you may encounter the following errors:

  • Micro Focus UFT Agent is slowing down the browser

  • UFT One performs slowly or does not respond

Workaround: In Firefox extensions settings, click the dot button next to Micro Focus UFT Agent and select Options. Then set Default Frame Communication Mode to extension in the Options tab.


UFT One versions 2021 R1 and later: When recording a Select operation on an SAPRadioGroup object in an SAP NWBC S/4HANA 2020 system on Internet Explorer, UFT One may fail to record the operation completely or record the operation incorrectly as a MouseDown event.

Workaround: Manually add or change the recorded step to the SAPRadioGroup.Select step.

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Running tests on SAP applications


During a run session, the SAP platform response time may be slower than the time it takes for UFT One to run the corresponding step.

Workaround: Add a Wait statement prior to the relevant step.

Cannot find objects

In some cases, when running tests on SAPEdit, SAPNavigationBar, or SAPPortal, you may receive a Cannot find object error. 

Workaround: Do one of the following:

  • Ensure that the object properties are unique and correct.

  • Modify the registry as specified below:

    For 32-bit computers: In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mercury Interactive\QuickTestProfessional\MicTest\AbortIfHangInSendData key, set the value of DWORD to 0.

    For 64-bit computers: In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Mercury Interactive\QuickTestProfessional\MicTest\AbortIfHangInSendData key, set the value of DWORD to 0.

    Note: Some registry keys intentionally include previous company branding, due to backward compatibility considerations.

ITS frames

When running a test on an ITS frame in an SAP Enterprise Portal iView, the ITS menu sometimes fails to operate properly.

Workaround: Enlarge the iView size and/or increase the Object Synchronization Timeout and then run the test again.

Web-based CRM systems

Use CRM system test mode:

When using UFT One to test Web-based CRM systems, make sure that the CRM system is in test mode. You can do this by adding "?sap-testmode=X" to the URL.

CRM 7.02 and 7.03:

When testing applications developed using CRM 7.02 or 7.03, the SAPList.Select method may generate parameter errors.

If this occurs, add a Click step before your Select step to avoid future errors.

SAPRadioGroup and SAPTabStrip objects

When testing web-based CRM and NWBC S/4HANA systems, the Highlight and CaptureBitmap methods are not supported for SAPRadioGroup and SAPTabStrip objects.

SAPTable objects

On some SAPTable objects, the FindRowByCellContent method does not work correctly if the row to find is not visible in the table. If this happens, add an extra step to scroll to make the row visible.

SAPList objects in SAP Tables on S/4HANA systems

On some S/4HANA systems, running an SAPList().Select method on a list contained in a table cell does not select from the list.

Workaround: Add a step to select the table cell before the step that selects from the list inside the cell.


SAPTable("MyTable").SelectCell X,Y



UFT One may fail to identify SAPDropDownMenu objects in SAP NWBC, WDA, or EP applications during runtime.


  • Add the Logical name and innertext description properties to the object in the object repository, and run your test again.
  • Select the menu item by index instead of by name. For example: Instead of SAPDropDownMenu.Select("MyItem"), use SAPDropDownMenu.Select("#2").
  • If the above workarounds do not resolve the issue, perform the following: In Object Identification, add the 'html id' property to the SAPDropDownMenu object's Mandatory Properties.

SAPDropDownMenu objects with sub-menus

If you had selected an item in a sub-menu of an SAPDropDownMenu object while recording, the object recorded will be the sub-menu instead of the parent. This may cause your test run to fail.

Workaround: To avoid errors, before running your test, manually change the description properties in the object repository to match the parent menu instead of the sub-menu.

Cross-browser test support

In Internet Explorer, UFT One may fail to run an SAPButton.Click operation that was recorded in Chrome.

Workaround: In the object repository, replace the assistive property html tag with html id.


When you run a SAPNWBC.DetailedNavigation step that navigates to a menu item under a folder in the left navigation tree in Chrome, an error occurs.

Workaround: Add a step to navigate to the parent folder first and then run the step that navigates to the child menu item.

SAPFrame object

If you add a checkpoint for an SAPFrame object that contains an image with the name ending with "." in Chrome, UFT One may fail to run the added checkpoint in Internet Explorer.

Workaround: Remove the check for the image from the checkpoint.


In Internet Explorer, UFT One may fail to run SAPTreeView.SelectMenuItem steps that were manually added to the test.

Workaround: Use the Spy to learn the object and add it to the object repository. Then manually add the necessary step to the test.

SAPRadioGroup objects

SAPRadioGroup objects recorded in Chrome may contain an extra description property sap groupbox name. If you run test steps you recorded in Chrome on SAPRadioGroup objects in Internet Explorer, the test steps may fail.

Workaround: Delete the description property sap groupbox name of SAPRadioGroup objects in the object repository and run the test steps in Internet Explorer.

Highlight method

UFT One version 2022 and later: A pop-up window opens when you run the Highlight method on an SAP object in Chrome or Chromium Edge. As a result, the method does not work properly.

Workaround: To solve the issue, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click the browser desktop shortcut and select Properties from the context menu.

    If your browser does not have a shortcut on the desktop, find the program from the startup menu and open the file location.

  2. On the Shortcut tab of the Google Chrome Properties / Microsoft Edge Properties dialog box, append the following line to the existing value of the Target field.

    ' --silent-debugger-extension-api'

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Fiori applications

Using a Set method in two consecutive steps

When working with Fiori applications, errors may occur when running a test with the sapUIObject value set to a variable in your script, where a Set method is used twice in a row.

For example:

set sapObject=Browser("DatePicker - sap.m").Page("DatePicker - sap.m").SAPUICalendar("DP1-describedby")
sapObject.SetDate "20150114"
sapObject.SetDate "000000"

Update your script using one of the following methods:

Extra objects in Chrome

When working in Chrome, when you add certain objects to the object repository, UFT One adds many extra objects.

Workaround: Use a different browser (IE or Firefox) or manually remove the unwanted objects from the repository.

Recording a SetDate step on an SAPUICalendar

When working with Fiori applications, SetDate on a Calendar object with a Time picker does not properly record and run the Time part.

Workaround: Add a WebEdit.Set step to your test manually.

For example:

WebEdit.Set "Jan 23, 2019, 11:46:00 AM"

Recording a SetDateTime step on an SAPUIDateTimeInput

When recording on Fiori applications, SAPUIDateTimeInput.SetDateTime are not recorded.

Workaround: While recording, before selecting a date in the SAPUIDateTimeInput object, click the text box to bring the SAPUIDateTimeInput object into focus.

Browser refreshes when using Submit method

When both WEB and SAP add-ins are enabled, the browser will refresh If you use a Submit method in Firefox/Chrome after using webUtil.


  • Use systemUtil instead of webUtil.
  • Use DeviceReplay to move the focus point from URL-Textbox to the one you want to submit, before the submit method. For example:

    WebUtil.LaunchBrowser "FIREFOX"
    Browser("micclass:=browser").Navigate ""
    Browser("micclass:=browser").Page("micclass:=page").SAPUIButton("name:=Simple Dialog").Click
    Set dr = CreateObject("Mercury.DeviceReplay")
    ax = Browser("micclass:=browser").Page("micclass:=page").SAPUIDialog("name:=Simple Dialog").GetROProperty("abs_x")
    ay = Browser("micclass:=browser").Page("micclass:=page").SAPUIDialog("name:=Simple Dialog").GetROProperty("abs_y")
    dr.MouseClick ax,ay,LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON
    Browser("micclass:=browser").Page("micclass:=page").SAPUIDialog("name:=Simple Dialog").Submit

Recording SAPUIMenu.Select operations on Chrome

UFT One sometimes records redundant steps when recording SAPUIMenu().Select operations in Fiori version 1.91 and later on Chrome.


  • Manually remove the duplicate steps from your test.

  • Use the Spy to learn the object and add it to the object repository. Then manually add the necessary step to the test.

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SAPUI5-specific limitations


Because the SAPUI5 add-in supports both desktop and mobile applications, not all methods for all objects are supported for both desktop and mobile applications.

Application alert messages

When running a test or component on SAPUI5 test objects, application Alert messages for some objects are not displayed.

Workaround: Do one of the following:

  • Make sure your test does not contain steps that need to be performed on the Alert message.

  • Add an If statement to your test for the object that triggers the alert to check if the Alert exists.

Nested table objects

If your SAPUI5 application contains nested table objects, inserting a checkpoint on the nested table object shows only the parent SAPUITable object.

Workaround: Select the nested WebTable objects and create checkpoints for the WebTable object instead of the parent SAPUITable object.

SAPUIMenu objects

When using the Object Spy to view an SAPUIMenu object or recording an SAPUIMenu object which is hidden in closed status, you may be unable to:

  • Add the menu object to the repository on Firefox and Chrome browsers with the Add Object to the Repository button

  • Record the object on Chrome browsers.

  • Add checkpoint or output value steps in Firefox and Chrome browsers

Disabled controls

When working with mobile SAPUI5 applications, UFT One cannot use the Object Spy on some disabled controls (like the SAPUIButton and SAPUITextEdit) due to the application object properties.

Internet Explorer 11

When working in Internet Explorer 11, if your application requires you to scroll down to perform a button click, the SAPUIButton.Click method does not click the button.

Workaround: Use an SAPUIButton.Submit method instead.

ChildObjects method

Using the ChildObjects method on some objects returns a different result between browsers.

SAPUIFacetFilter.Open method

The SAPUIFacetFilter.Open method may fail when opening multiple filters.

Workaround: Use DeviceReplay to blur the mouse focus before opening the second filter.


x=Browser("SAPUI5 SDK - Demo Kit").Page("SAPUI5 SDK - Demo Kit").SAPUIFacetFilter("SAPUIFacetFilter").GetROProperty("abs_x")

y=Browser("SAPUI5 SDK - Demo Kit").Page("SAPUI5 SDK - Demo Kit").SAPUIFacetFilter("SAPUIFacetFilter").GetROProperty("abs_y")

Set obj=CreateObject("Mercury.DeviceReplay")

obj.MouseMove x,y

obj.MouseClick x-5, y-5, 0

SAPUIList.SetItemData method To record on an input field in a list in Mozilla Firefox, click the field twice during recording before entering text.
WebUtil.LaunchBrowser method

If you use the WebUtil.LaunchBrowser method to open your application from Internet Explorer or Chrome, subsequent SAPUIFacetFilter.Open steps may fail.


  • Use Record & Run Settings to open the browser.

  • Use DeviceReplay to move the focus out of the navigation bar.


x=Browser("SAPUI5 SDK - Demo Kit").Page("SAPUI5 SDK - Demo Kit").SAPUIFacetFilter("SAPUIFacetFilter").GetROProperty("abs_x")

y=Browser("SAPUI5 SDK - Demo Kit").Page("SAPUI5 SDK - Demo Kit").SAPUIFacetFilter("SAPUIFacetFilter").GetROProperty("abs_y")

Set obj=CreateObject("Mercury.DeviceReplay")

obj.MouseMove x,y

obj.MouseClick x-5, y-5, 0

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SAPUI5 and SuccessFactors applications

SAPUIList.Select method

The SAPUIList.Select method fails to select an option if the operation involves scrolling down to find the option in the SAPUIList object.

Workaround 1: Run the SAPUIList.Select step twice.

Workaround 2: Do the following:

  1. Directly click the button to expand the SAPUIList object.

  2. Check if the option you want to select exists in the currently displayed list.

  3. If yes, use WebElement.Click to click the option. Otherwise, use DeviceReplay to scroll down the expanded list until the target option appears and then use Webelement.Click.

SAPUIList.Select method

If indexes are used to represent the items to select in your script, the SAPUIList.Select method may fail to run the operation.

Workaround: Use above-mentioned workaround 2.

SAPUIList objects

If multiple similar SAPUIList objects exist on the same page, UFT One may fail to correctly identify them during runtime.

Workaround: Change the object property in the object repository for UFT One to identify a specific object, for example, add a property ID and remove extra index values.

SAPUITable.SetCellData method

The SetCellData method may fail to set the cell value of SAPUITable objects.

Workaround: Use an SAPUITextEdit.Set method instead.

SAPUITable.SelectItemInCell method

In Internet Explorer, UFT One may fail to run a recorded SAPUITable.SelectItemInCell operation.

Workaround: Use the Spy to learn the object and add it to the object repository. Then manually add the necessary step to the test.

SAPUIList objects that contain SAPUITable objects

An SAPUIList object may be incorrectly recorded as an SAPUITextEdit object or SAPUITable object. In this case, running the recorded SAPUITextEdit.Set or SAPUITable.SelectCell steps may fail.

Workaround: Add a WebButton.Click step and a Wait step before SAPUITextEdit.Set or SAPUITable.SelectCell steps.



wait 5

Browser("Performance-Potential_2").Page("Performance-Potential").SAPUITable("SAPUITable").SelectCell 16,"#1"

SAPUICalendar objects
  • UFT One may not be able to record or run steps on some SAPUICalendar objects.

    Workaround: Use the Spy to learn the object and add it to the object repository. Then manually add the necessary step to the test.

  • For the same SAPUICalendar object, the value of the innertext property captured in Internet Explorer may be different from that captured in Chrome.

    Workaround: Change the value of the innertext property to a regular expression in the Object Repository for compatibility requirements.

SAPUI objects inside a table

UFT One may fail to record on SAPUI objects inside a table.

Workaround: Use the Spy to learn the objects and add it to the object repository. Then manually add the necessary step to the test.

Dynamic search triggered by SAPUITextEdit.Set

A recorded SAPUITextEdt.Set operation may run incorrectly if it triggers dynamic search.


Do one of the following, depending on your UFT One version:

  • UFT One version 2021

    If you are testing applications running in Internet Explorer, Chromium Edge, and Firefox, use DeviceReplay and Wait.

  • UFT One version 2021 R1 and later

    Add a Wait statement and then a SAPUITable.SelectCell step.

    Alternatively, use DeviceReplay to select the edit box value or the SAPUITextEdt.Set step directly to set the edit box value.


In some applications, UFT One may fail to record or run a SAPUIButton.Click operation that opens a window for uploading a file.

Workaround: Use one of the following solutions:

  • Use DeviceReplay.

  • Use the WebFile.Submit method to submit and upload a file.

SAPUITextEdit objects

UFT One version 2023 and later:

The following issues occur when you spy or record on a dynamic search box in SAP SuccessFactors H2 2022:

  • When spying on a dynamic search box, UFT One may identify the object as a WebEdit test object, instead of an SAPUITextEdit.

    Workaround: To identify the object as an SAPUITextEdit, you need to click slightly below the object. To find the exact location to click, move your mouse around below the object until UFT One highlights the SAPUITextEdit object.

  • Sometimes, UFT One may fail to record an SAPUITextEdit.Set step when recording the operation of selecting a dynamic search result for the text box.

    Workaround: Use the Spy to learn the object and add it to the object repository. Then manually add the necessary step to the test. If a WebEdit.Set step is recorded, delete that step.

  • Sometimes, UFT One records two different steps (a WebEdit.Set step and an SAPUITextEdit.Set step) when recording a Set operation on an SAPUITextEdit object.

    Workaround: Delete the WebEdit.Set step and keep the SAPUITextEdit.Set step.

SAPUIButton objects

UFT One version 2023 and later:

The following issues occur when you spy or record on an SAPUIButton object in SAP SuccessFactors H2 2022:

  • When spying on a button, UFT One may identify the object as a WebButton test object, instead of an SAPUIButton.

    Workaround: To identify the object as an SAPUIButton, you need to click slightly below the object. To find the exact location to click, move your mouse around below the object until UFT One highlights the SAPUIButton object.

  • Sometimes, UFT One records two different steps (a WebButton.Click step and an SAPUIButton.Click step) or two SAPUIButton.Click steps when recording a Click operation on an SAPUIButton object.

    Workaround: Delete one step and keep the SAPUIButton.Click step.

SAPUIList.ExtendSelect and SAPUIList.ExtendDeselect methods

SAP SuccessFactors H2 2022:

After successfully recording an ExtendSelect or ExtendDeselect operation on an SAPUIList, UFT One sometimes fails to record subsequent ExtendSelect or ExtendDeselect operations.

Workaround: After the first ExtendSelect or ExtendDeselect operation is successfully recorded, click the dropdown button to re-open the dropdown list and then continue recording.

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SAP Business Networks applications

SAPWebExt List

Spying or adding checkpoints on an SAPWebExt List objects in SAP FieldGlass is not supported.

The SAPWebExtList.Select method may fail when testing SAP FieldGlass. If this occurs, use the WebEdit.Set method instead.

SAPWebExtTable objects

Checkpoints on SAPWebExtTable objects are not supported.

Workaround: Do one of the following:

  • Restart UFT, clear the SAPWebExt addin and then add a checkpoint on a WebTable object.

  • Use the .GetCellData method

  • Add a checkpoint on the child WebTable of an SAPWebExtTable object.

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SAP WDA applications / SAP WDA applications in S/4 HANA

This section describes known issues you may encounter when working with Web Dynpro ABAP (WDA) applications or WDA applications in SAP S/4 HANA.

SAPButton.Click methods

Recording an SAPButton.Click method on Web Dynpro ABAP sites may cause browser delays.

Workaround: Do one of the following:

  • Wait for the browser to respond
  • Pause recording and click again
  • Refresh the browser and try again
SAPTable objects
  • A Click operation on an SAPTable object in WDA applications is not recorded.

    Workaround: Manually add the object as a WebElement and add a WebElement.Click step to your test.

  • A Click operation on a Link object inside an SAP web table cell in WDA applications or WDA applications in SAP S/4HANA may be recorded incorrectly as an SAPTable.SelectCell operation.

    Workaround: Use the Spy to learn the Link object and add it to the object repository. Then manually add the necessary step to your test.

  • An unspecified error may occur when adding checkpoints for SAPTable objects in WDA applications.

    Workaround: Add a registry AbortIfHangInSendData with a default value of 0 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\MicTest.

    Note that this may cause issues when running on the other SAP technologies, such as Fiori and SAPUI5.

    Note: Some registry keys intentionally include previous company branding, due to backward compatibility considerations.

SAPTable.OpenPossibleEntries in SAP WDA applications

On some applications, the SAPTable.OpenPossibleEntries operation is not recorded on IE or Chrome.


Click the cell first, then click the icon beside cell to record OpenPossibleEntries.

Remove any extra SetCellData steps that are recorded.

SAPTable.SelectCell method: General recording

When using the SelectCell method on SAPTable objects in SAP WDA 7.5 applications:

  • If the table cell is located in a popup dialog window that closes immediately after clicking, UFT One cannot record the action.

  • You may need to click twice on the table cell to enable UFT One to record the action.

SAPTable.SelectCell method: Recording table objects that disappear in your application

If a table object disappears in the SAP WDA application immediately after a select operation is performed, SelectCell methods are not recorded on the table object.

Workaround: Manually add the SAPTable.SelectCell method after recording.

SAPEdit objects

When recording on SAPEdit objects in some WDA applications in SAP S/4HANA on Chrome or Chromium Egde, UFT One may record an incorrect object name.

Workaround: Use the Spy to learn the SAPEdit object and add it to the object repository. Then manually add the necessary step to your test.

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Dynamic displays

If your Web Dynpro ABAP or EP app is configured with dynamic display features when scrolling, you may have issues retrieving cell or list data that is currently invisible.

To prevent this, ensure that all your data is fully loaded before running your step, spying, or highlighting.

For example:

Workaround for tables:

Before your SAPTable.GetCellData method, add steps to scroll down and display all row data.

Then, use the GetCellData method with the current row value.

For example:

'get value in row 1
print Browser("WDR_TEST_C_TABLE [Web").Page("Web Dynpro Test Suite").SAPTable("[Demo Table Part 1]").GetCellData (2,4)
For Iterator = 1 To 4 Step 1
    wait 1
    Browser("WDR_TEST_C_TABLE [Web").Page("Web Dynpro Test Suite").SAPButton("SAPButton_2").Click
'get value in row 7 which is shown in line 4 after scroll
print Browser("WDR_TEST_C_TABLE [Web").Page("Web Dynpro Test Suite").SAPTable("[Demo Table Part 1]").GetCellData (4,4)

Workaround for lists:

Activate the SAPList object before using the GetItem method or spying.

For example, first select or click the list, or use the Select or Click method in your test.

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See also: