The Canvas

Relevant for: GUI tests and API testing

The canvas provides a visual representation of the GUI or API test flow. It opens as a tab in the document pane.

In this topic:

GUI tests in the canvas

Working with the canvas closed can improve UFT One's performance when creating or opening a GUI test.

  • Drag actions to reorder them.

  • Right-click an element in the canvas to access settings, or to run or debug a test from a specific action.

  • Double-click an action to open it for editing.

  • Double-click the Start or End shape in the canvas to open the Test Flow Details action. This is a read-only action that controls the test flow. Make sure it contains only the content the test is meant to run.

    Note: In the file system, the Test Flow Details action is saved as Action 0.

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API tests in the canvas

Manipulate steps by dragging them to reorder, copying and pasting, or deleting.

Add special steps, including:

Loop steps Define loop step details in the Properties pane.
Two-branched conditional steps. Add activities as part of the conditional branches.
Break steps Move the test run to the step after a loop.
Continue steps Begin the next iteration.

Test individual steps using the Run Step command.

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See also: