Run a test using Server-Side Execution

Relevant for: GUI tests and API testing

In this topic:

Most of the steps in this task must be performed on ALM. In UFT One, you can link your test parameters to AUT parameters defined in ALM.


  • Connect to an ALM project with Lab Management support.

  • Make sure that ALM Lab Service is installed on the UFT One computer.

For details, see the ALM Lab Management Guide.

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Create tests and save them in ALM

Create your tests in UFT One or ALM, and save them in ALM.

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Create functional test sets in ALM

  1. In ALM, in the Testing > Test Lab module, create a functional type test set and specify the required information.

  2. Select the Execution Grid tab and click Select Tests.

  3. In the Test Plan tree, select the tests you want to add to the test set.

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Set up AUT Parameters in ALM and link your test parameters to them in UFT One - optional

  1. In ALM, in the Lab Resources > AUT Environments module, define AUT environments with parameters and set values for the parameters. For details, see the Application Lifecycle Management User Guide.

  2. In UFT One, open the Properties pane to the test parameters tab by doing one of the following:

    • Open an API test, select the Start or End steps in the canvas, and open the Properties pane. Then select the Test Input/Output Parameters tab .

    • Select a GUI test in the solution explorer. Open the Properties pane, and select the Parameters tab .

  3. Click Add > Add Input Parameter. In the parameters grid, give the parameter and description.

    For details on the Add Input Parameter dialog box that opens, see Add/Edit Parameter Dialog Box (Properties Pane - GUI Testing) for GUI tests, or Edit Input/Output Property/Parameter Dialog Box (API Testing) for API tests.

  4. In the parameters grid, select the parameter and click the Edit Parameter button .

  5. In the Edit Input Parameter dialog box, click the Select ALM application parameters button .

  6. In the Select AUT Parameter dialog box, expand the AUT Environment node and select a parameter. Click OK. For details, see Select AUT Parameter Dialog Box.

  7. In the Add Input Parameter dialog box, provide a name for the parameter and set the default value, if necessary. Click OK.

    In the Properties pane, an ALM icon next to a parameter's default value indicates that it is an AUT parameter.

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Set up hosts in ALM for the UFT One tests

In ALM, in the Lab Resources > Testing Hosts module, you can view the hosts defined in the Lab Management project for all projects on your ALM server. Optionally, you can define additional host machines for your project.

When you define a new host, define its purpose, for example, QuickTest or Service Test, to indicate the type of test to run on this host. For details, see the Application Lifecycle Management User Guide.


  • Make sure that UFT One is installed on the host computers you create or define in ALM.

  • If UFT One is not available in the list of purposes that you can select for a host, select QuickTest Professional for GUI tests or Service Test for API tests. Select both if you plan to run both types of tests.

  • For each UFT One host on which you want to run GUI tests, enable the Allow other Micro Focus products to run tests and components option in UFT.

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Schedule the tests in ALM - optional

In ALM, in the Testing > Timeslots module, schedule times for the tests to run automatically, or reserve timeslots to use later to run the tests manually.

If you are running the tests ad-hoc, you can skip this step.

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Run the tests from ALM

In ALM's Testing > Test Lab, specify the hosts on which you want to run the tests, and run the tests.

You can also optionally automatically upload your run results to ALM if you are running a test from ALM. This option is set in ALM as a site parameter for your project.

For details, see the Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide.


If you do not configure the Remote Agent as an exception as described in Enable the Remote Agent, a Windows Security Alert message will display while running a test remotely.

Click Unblock to solve this problem.

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See also: