GUI test design
Relevant for: GUI tests and components
Use UFT One's GUI testing elements to create your tests. Then, run the test and view the test results, including details about each step and checkpoint used.
In this topic:
Actions and steps
Use UFT One's keyword-driven testing method to create GUI test steps early and maintain them with only minor updates.
For details, see Actions in GUI Testing and Create a keyword-driven GUI test.
Test objects
For each object in your application, UFT One creates a corresponding test object which presents the object in the application.
This test object contains the properties and identifiers of the application object, which helps UFT One identify the object in the application when you run a test.
For more details, see Test object model.
Add checkpoints to perform verification of your application in different states, such as:
Whether a specific string is displayed
Whether a hyperlink goes to the correct URL
For more details, see Checkpoints in GUI Testing.
Function libraries
Enhance your test with function libraries.
Create libraries of code you want to use multiple times in your tests.
Call the functions from your test as often as you need.
For details, see User-Defined Functions.
Parameterize your actions and test steps with data from a data source.
Then, when you run the test, vary the data used to see how your application runs when different values are provided.
For details, see Parameterize object values.
See also: