Copy existing terminal emulator configurations

This task describes how to copy a terminal emulator configuration from another user who has already configured the UFT One settings for a specific emulator using the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard.

For example, if the settings for your terminal emulator were configured and saved to a file on another computer (or on a network drive), you can copy this file to your computer, instead of running the wizard and configuring the settings yourself.

In this topic:


  • The existing configuration file must be saved to a registry file, using the Save terminal emulator settings to file option in the wizard's final page. For details, see Completing the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard Page .

  • Before you copy the saved configuration, make sure you know the vendor name and the emulator name assigned to the configuration, and the exact name and location of the file. The file has a .reg extension.

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Copy the registry file to your computer

  1. Locate the registry file containing the configuration settings for your emulator. The file has a .reg extension.

  2. Copy the file to the <UFT_One_installdir>\dat folder on your computer.

    The path for the dat folder in a typical installation is: %ProgramFiles%\OpenText\UFT One\dat

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Register the file

  1. Double-click the registry file to open the Registry Editor message box.

  2. Click Yes to add the information into the registry. A message opens confirming that the information has been copied into the registry.

  3. Click OK. The emulator name assigned to this configuration is added to the list of available terminal emulators for your UFT One installation.

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Set the new emulator as the default emulator - optional

  1. Open UFT One with the Terminal Emulator Add-in loaded.

  2. Select the new emulator name from the list in the Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > Terminal Emulator pane, and set it as your default emulator.

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Modify the emulator settings - optional

  1. Open UFT One with the Terminal Emulator Add-in loaded.

  2. Open the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard. For details, see Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard Overview.

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After you copy a configuration file from another location, the emulator name assigned to this configuration is added to the list of available terminal emulators for your UFT One installation.

Note: If you copy a configuration file after starting UFT One, you need to close and reopen UFT One to see the updated list of available emulators.

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