Enable UFT One to identify objects in your Flex application

Following the retirement of the Adobe Flash Player, UFT One no longer supports the Flex Add-in by default.

If you require the Flex Add-in, contact OpenText Support.

Some preparation is required to enable UFT One to communicate with and identify objects in your Flex application. Specifically, you must do one of the following:

  • Install and pre-configure the relevant Flash Player Debugger

  • Set up the UFT One Runtime Loader on the computer or server where the application runs.

  • Recompile your Flex application with the UFT Flex Agent

Depending on the type of Flex application you are testing, you may be able to choose from any of the above, or you may be limited to one or two of the above options.

The table below summarizes these possibilities, and the basic process to follow for each option:

Open Flex application using ®



Application path ¯

Preconfigured Flash Player Debugger

(Configure once per testing computer;
Flex application not modified)
Runtime Loader

(Configure once per host computer/server;
Flex application not modified)
Precompiled Application

(Configure once per application;
Must recompile Flex application)
  1. Install and preconfigure the relevant debugger.
  2. Open with: Internet Explorer

* Relevant only for Web pages that embed an .swf application and the UFT Runtime loader

  1. Make sure the RTL exists on the application host computer/server.
  2. Embed the Swf application and RTL in the Web page.
  3. Open with: Internet Explorer
  1. Precompile your application with the UFT agent.
  2. Open with: Internet Explorer
  1. Install and preconfigure the relevant debugger.

  2. Open with:

    • Internet Explorer
    • Flash Player Projector debugger
  1. Make sure the RTL exists on the application host computer/server.
  2. Open with:

  1. Precompile your application with the UFT agent.
  2. Open with:

    • Internet Explorer
    • Flash Player Projector
*.exe Not Supported Not Supported
  1. Precompile your application with the UFT agent.
  2. Open the application directly.