Known Issues - .NET Windows Forms
This topic describes troubleshooting and limitations for the .NET Windows Forms Add-in.
Test objects
Grid controls in the Card View mode are not supported.
Changing the format of a DateTimePicker control during a test run or between record and run sessions (for example, from "Long Date" to "Time") will cause the test run to fail.
Combo box objects of style Simple ComboBox are not supported.
Because the technology support for MSAA (Microsoft Active Accessibility) applications is operating-system sensitive, UFT One test objects on the Windows 10 anniversary operating system may be different from other Windows operating systems.
DevExpress controls
RibbonControl, NavBarControl, and XtraTreeList objects |
When working with DevExpress RibbonControl, NavBarControl, and XtraTreeList objects UFT One identifies object properties as null. Therefore, both spying and adding checkpoints on DevExpress controls may cause your test to run unexpectedly. Relevant method and properties include:
SwfScrollbar objects |
AddToSelection operation |
The following issue may occur in DevExpress version 19.2 or earlier: When recording AddCellToSelection or AddRowToSelection operation on a Vertical Grid object, a DeselectCell or DeselectRow operation is recorded, respectively. Workaround: Delete the steps containing the DeselectCell or DeselectRow operation after the recording is finished. |
SwfTab objects |
UFT One 24.2 or later: UFT One does not identify SwfTab objects in DevExpress WinForms version 23.1.6 or later. Workaround: Use SwfObject objects instead. |
Test object methods
Back method |
If you call the Back method for a Microsoft DataGrid control on a table that does not have a parent row, no operation is performed when the statement runs, and no error message is displayed. |
GroupBy and SetView methods on SwfTable objects |
When you are using a supported version of DevExpress that is earlier than 16.2.3, GroupBy and SetView methods may not work as expected on SwfTable objects. Workaround: Resolve the issue by following the instructions described in this article How to revert to the legacy mechanism for specific DevExpress controls. |
Known Issue | Workaround |
Navigating in grid controls using keyboard keys (for example, to select cells or rows) may not be recorded correctly. | Use the mouse to navigate in the grid control. |
If a window in the tested application has an opacity property value not equal to 100% (that is, the form is completely or partially transparent), the Active Screen captures the image displayed below the form, and not the transparent window. | No workaround now. |
Operations on a grid cell that was selected before you started recording on the grid control may be recorded incorrectly. For example, a child cell element operation may be recorded instead of the parent grid operation (for example, SetCellData). | Before performing operations on a cell that is already selected, begin recording, move the focus to another cell, select the required cell, and then perform the required operation. |
When recording steps using low-level recording, default description properties for WinObject and Window objects do not have constant values. This may lead to different description property values during a run session, which causes steps on these objects to fail. |
.NET Windows Forms table checkpoints and output value steps can be created only for objects that UFT One recognizes as SwfTable objects. UFT One does not treat SwfPropertyGrid test objects as table objects.
Windows display scaling (DPI)
You can test Windows Forms applications regardless of your Windows scaling settings. However, if your application is not DPI-aware, when performing the SwfTab.Select operation, we recommend that you set the scaling level to 100% to avoid errors.