SAP > General Pane (Options Dialog Box > GUI Testing Tab)

This pane enables you to configure how UFT One records and runs tests and business components on SAP applications.

To access
  1. Do one of the following:

    • Ensure that a GUI test, action, or component is in focus in the document pane.

    • In the Solution Explorer, select a GUI test or component node or one of its child nodes.

  2. Select Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > SAP > General node.

Important information

Clicking the Restore Factory Defaults button resets all product settings, including ALM connection information, the recent files list, and anything defined in the Options dialog box, such as startup options, UI layout, GUI, API, and BPT testing options, remote connection credentials, and more.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Auto-parameterize table and grid controls

While recording tests, automatically captures the data you set in table and grid cells and stores it in a new data sheet in the Data pane. UFT One inserts an Input statement into your test, which refers to the new data sheet. Using this option enables you to set values of multiple cells in a single test step and easily parameterize the cell values. For details, see Automatically parameterize table and grid cell values.

You must select this option to support the table parameter feature when using the Packaged Apps Kit for Business Process Testing.

Record HTML elements using SAPGui Scripting interface

Specifies whether UFT One should use the SAP GUI Scripting API when recording HTML elements within SAP applications, or use the built-in Web support to record these HTML elements. You can use this option to handle synchronization issues that may arise from recording on Web elements inside an SAP GUI for Windows session.

Changes to this option take effect only after you start recording a new test or business component.

Record Reset Method on SAP Gui Session

Records a Reset method as the first step when recording a test or business component. When the test or business component is run, the first step resets the application session so that it starts at the initial SAP screen. This ensures that the test or business component starts with the same application state each time it is run.

This option is applicable only if the Open the following SAP Gui client when a record or run session begins and the Auto-logon options are both selected in the SAP Tab (Record and Run Settings Dialog Box).

Record status bar messages

Records a SAPGuiStatusbar.Sync step each time a status bar message is displayed in the SAP application.

Show 'Disabled Scripting Interface' warnings

Instructs UFT One to display warnings if the SAP GUI Scripting API is disabled on the SAP application. If this is the case, you cannot record or run steps until you enable the SAP GUI Scripting API. For details on enabling the SAP GUI Scripting API, see Enable support for SAP GUI for Windows.

Show 'Low Speed Connection' Warnings

Instructs UFT One to display warnings if the connection speed to the server is set to Low speed connection.

If this option is selected, one of the following occurs if the connection speed is low:

  • If the session was opened by UFT One when recording started (as defined in the Record and Run Settings dialog box), the error message appears and the recording stops.

  • If the session was opened by the user before recording started, the error message appears and recording continues in Standard Windows recording mode. For details on Standard Windows recording mode, see Record on Standard Windows Controls during an SAP GUI for Windows recording session.

If this option is not selected, one of the following occurs if the connection speed is low:

  • If the session was opened by UFT One when recording started (as defined in the Record and Run Settings dialog box), the error message does not appear and the recording stops.

  • If the session was opened by the user before recording was begun, the error message does not appear and recording continues in Standard Windows recording mode.

The connection speed can be checked using the SAP client. For details, see Check the connection speed on the SAP server.

Record only the selected value when using a Possible Entries (F4) list

Specifies that only the selected value is recorded when using a Possible Entries list. Any other actions performed on any windows opened after pressing F4 (or after clicking the icon in the specific field) are ignored, and only the actual change made to the field is recorded.

An event is received only on the field in focus when F4 was pressed, and not on all the populated fields in the screen. For this reason it may be preferable not to select this option when recording.

Session cleanup

Instructs UFT One to close all SAP GUI for Windows sessions opened by UFT One during the current run session when the test is closed. This includes all SAP GUI for Windows sessions that were invoked from the Record and Run Settings dialog box, as well as any sessions that may have been invoked during the run session using a SAPGuiUtil statement or the Open New Session button in the SAP GUI for Windows application that was being recorded.

SAP GUI for Windows sessions that were opened during a previous run session, or opened manually before or during the current run session are not affected.

This option overrides the Close the SAP GUI for Windows application when the test is closed option in the SAP Tab (Record and Run Settings Dialog Box).

See also: