Known Issues - Siebel Add-in
This topic describes troubleshooting and limitations for the Siebel Add-in.
General limitations
Certain objects, methods, or properties may be available from within UFT One even though they are not described in the documentation. This is because UFT One retrieves the latest SiebelObject.xml file when loading the Siebel add-in and opening a Siebel application, and because the documentation is updated according to version of the .xml file that is available at the time of the UFT One product release.
Context-sensitive help (F1 Help) may not be available for objects and/or methods that were added by Siebel after the UFT One release. In addition, auto-documentation (in the Keyword View Documentation column) and step documentation (in the Step Generator) may not be available for these objects and/or methods.
Object identification
Certain objects, for example, in the SmartScript module, do not have a value for the repository name property and are therefore not recorded and are not recognized by the Object Spy.
Workaround: Use low-level recording.
Inner objects that are placed in cells of a SiebList object cannot be accessed in the standard way, even if they are recorded. This may cause the following limitations:
The entire SiebList object is highlighted if the test or business component script line contains an operation on a SiebList inner object.
The ChildObjects method for SiebList objects returns 0.
The Add Objects option in the Object Repository window cannot be used to add SiebList inner objects to the object repository.
The Object Spy and checkpoints identify expanded calculator and calendar popup objects as Window("Siebel control popup").
If a warning message opens while recording your test or business component, for example, if you insert invalid data, UFT One may record these operations in the incorrect order.
Workaround: Manually change the order of the steps in your test after recording.
Gantt chart operations and RichText editor toolbar operations are not recorded.
Workaround: Use low-level recording.
The appointment calendar object can be recorded only if the ActiveX Add-in is enabled.
If you record the creation of a new appointment in an appointment calendar, the test or business component may fail when you run it.
Workaround: Manually add an onkeypress FireEvent to the WebElement before the Set step.
The Active Screen is empty for steps recorded on pop-up tables.
Test objects and test object methods
When using Siebel version, the SiebCalculator.ClickKeys method may not work when running the test of the application calculator
Workaround: Enter the value of the calculator directly into the edit field instead of using the ClickKey/ClickKeys method to enter the value.
Specific test objects (with Sieb prefixes) have tabular characteristics. UFT One treats Sieb tabular test objects as table-type objects and enables you to check both their content and/or their description properties. You can also output content and/or values for use in your test or business component. The following Sieb test objects have tabular characteristics: SiebCommunicationsToolbar, SiebList, SiebMenu, SiebPageTabs, SiebPDQ, SiebPicklist, SiebScreenViews, SiebThreadbar, SiebToolbar, and SiebViewApplets.
To create a table content checkpoint or output value for the appropriate object type (for example, SiebList, SiebPicklist, or SiebPageTabs) when editing your test or business component, you must open the application to the exact screen in which the object appears. Otherwise, only the Properties tab is displayed in the Table Checkpoint dialog box or Table Output Value dialog box.
Checkpoints created for SiebList objects that contain a Total row may fail during a run session if the action that led to the update of the Total row was not recorded.