Known Issues - Silverlight Add-in

Following the discontinuance of the Silverlight development framework, UFT One no longer supports the Silverlight Add-in by default.

If you require the Silverlight Add-in, contact OpenText Support.


  • UFT One retrieves incorrect values for the all items and selection properties for ListBox and ComboBox controls that are bound to data using a template.

  • If a recovery scenario uses the Object State trigger, the following may occur:

    • The recovery scenario may detect redundant test objects when checking a SlvWindow state.

    • The run results may not include all nodes related to the recovery scenario.

  • The Silverlight Add-in is not supported on Internet Explorer 11 when the Enhanced Protected Mode is turned on.

  • The Silverlight Add-in does not support 64-bit Firefox browsers.

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  • If you insert a text area checkpoint or a text area output value using the Windows API text recognition mechanism (as opposed to the OCR mechanism), all of the text on the Silverlight control is captured (instead of only the text from the selected area).

  • For some test objects, if you try to insert a text checkpoint from the Active Screen, the text checkpoint cannot be inserted and an error message is displayed.

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Creating and editing tests

  • Recording on windowless Silverlight applications is not supported on Mozilla Firefox.

  • If you open a Silverlight context menu when creating or editing a test, you must close the context menu control (for example, by pressing ESC) before you close the browser. Otherwise, during a run session, the browser window will remain open.

    Workaround: Add the following line to the test before the line that closes the browser:

    Browser("SilverLightAUT").Page("SilverLightAUT").SlvWindow("Page").SlvButton("Login").Type micEsc
    Browser("SilverLightAUT").Page("SilverLightAUT").SlvWindow("Page").SlvButton("Login").Type micEsc 

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Running tests

  • If a Web page contains a Silverlight application that is windowless and is scrolled out of view when the page opens the first time, UFT One will not be able to make this application visible. (For example, in this scenario, UFT One will not be able to perform an SlvWindow.MakeVisible step).

  • In some versions of Internet Explorer, the Silverlight application becomes active only after a Click operation is performed. In these cases, UFT One may fail to run test steps unless an initial Click operation is performed.

    Workaround: Insert a step containing a Click operation on the Silverlight application before performing other operations on the application.

  • To improve performance when running legacy tests in UFT One, update your Silverlight test object descriptions to include the devnamepath property.