Known Issues - Flex Add-in

Following the retirement of the Adobe Flash Player, UFT One no longer supports the Flex Add-in by default.

If you require the Flex Add-in, contact OpenText Support.

General Limitations

  • The Flex Add-in does not provide backward compatibility with the Adobe Flex Add-in for QuickTest, and uses a different set of test objects, methods, and properties. Legacy QuickTest tests recorded using the Adobe Flex Add-in cannot be used, and they cannot be upgraded to be used with the UFT One Flex Add-in.

  • The Flex Add-in does not support cross-domain or cross-host Flex applications. These types of applications are Flex applications where the HTML and SWF files are served from different domains, or from different hostnames within the same domain. For example, if an HTML page on references an SWF file located on, or in

  • The Flex Add-in is not supported on Internet Explorer 11 when the Enhanced Protected Mode is turned on.

  • Testing Flex applications in UFT One is supported only on Internet Explorer 32-bit browser versions.

  • The UFT One Flex Runtime Loader does not support applications that contain mx::AreaChart controls.

  • To communicate with the Flex application, UFT One selects an available port within the range 24654 - 24663. Make sure that at least one of these ports is available on the UFT One computer.

    • On a Windows server, multiple users can run multiple instances of UFT One. To test Flex applications, you must have one port in this range available for each UFT One instance.

    • If you are testing a Flex application, you may experience a delay (up to one minute) from the moment you open UFT One and your Flex application, until UFT One can recognize objects in the application. This is due to the time it may take for UFT One to locate an available port, as it cycles through the ports in this range, waiting for the socket connection timeout for each.

  • If you are using Flex SDK version 3.6.0, you must set the Flash Player target version to 10.2 or higher when compiling your Flex application.

  • If you are using Flex SDK version 3.6.0, the precompiled agent is the only supported method of preparing your application for testing. the Runtime loader and Flash Player Debugger methods are not supported.

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Object Identification

  • The Active Screen pane is not fully supported for Flex test objects, and may not display the recorded steps correctly.

  • When identifying objects in a Flex application opened in a Web browser, the FlexWindow top-level test object is contained in a Page object.

  • The UFT One Flex add-in recognizes Advanced Data Grid controls as FlexTable test objects, and supports basic table functionality for these controls. In addition, UFT One supports ExpandRow, CollapseRow, and SortByColumn operations for tables of this type. Other abilities of Advanced Data Grid controls are not supported.

  • The Flex Add-in does not support the mx.controls::OLAPDataGrid Flex control.

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