Enable the OpenText UFT Agent extension on Microsoft Edge

UFT One communicates with the OpenText UFT Agent Edge Extension to test Web applications running in Microsoft Edge. This topic describes how to install and enable the extension in your Edge browser.

Note: This topic refers to Microsoft Edge versions 79 or later. This is the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge, which replaced the HTML-based Microsoft Edge Legacy. For the most up-to-date list of supported versions of Microsoft Edge, see the UFT One Support Matrix.


Your browser policy must allow you to install the OpenText UFT Agent Edge Extension. Otherwise, see Enable extension installation in your browser policy.

To test applications in IE mode on Windows 11, the group policy settings for Internet Explorer on your computer must allow enabling the OpenText UFT Agent Internet Explorer extension. For details on modifying these group policy settings, see the Microsoft documentation.

Skip the steps for getting the extension class ID. The class ID for the OpenText UFT Agent Internet Explorer extension is {474264BC-9571-47C1-85B9-780F756DC9CE}.

Caution: Make sure that your company's security policies permit you to make this change.

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Automatic extension installation

The version of the OpenText UFT Agent extension installed on your browser must match the version of UFT One you are using.

If the conditions below are met, installing or upgrading UFT One will automatically install or update your OpenText UFT Agent extension. Otherwise, install the extension manually.

Conditions for the OpenText UFT Agent extension to be installed and updated automatically:

  • You have an active Internet connection.

  • When you installed UFT One, you selected Set Chrome, Chromium Edge, Firefox options. Alternatively, you manually enabled extension installation in your browser policy.

  • You are using Edge version 95 or later.

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Manually install the extension

Manually install the OpenText UFT Agent extension as described below:

Edge version 95 and later Active Internet connection

Install the OpenText UFT Agent extension on Edge.

UFT One 24.2:

Install from the OpenText UFT Agent extension 24.2 page.

UFT One 23.4:

Install from the OpenText UFT Agent extension 2023-23.4 page.

Edge version 95 and later Inactive Internet connection

Install the extension manually from the UFT One installation folder.

  1. In Edge, select Tools > Extensions to open the edge://extensions page.
  2. In the Extensions page, select the Developer mode option. Additional options are displayed after you select this option.
  3. Click the Load unpacked button.
  4. In the Browse for Folder dialog, browse to and select the <UFT_One_installdir>\Installations\Edge\v3 folder.

    The OpenText UFT Agent is now displayed in the Edge extensions list.

Edge version 79-94 and earlier

Install the extension manually from the UFT One installation folder.

Follow the instructions for Inactive Internet connection, but use the extension from this folder: 


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Automatically load the extension temporarily on Edge

Supported on UFT One 24.2 and later

If you cannot install the Edge browser extension from the web store, you can configure UFT One to load the extension when recording or running your tests.

An unpacked OpenText UFT Agent extension is included in the UFT One installation. When an Edge browser is opened by a record or run session, this extension can be automatically loaded on the browser. The extension remains only on that browser instance, and only until it closes.


  • For the extension to be successfully loaded on the browser opened by the record and run session, make sure no instance of the browser is open before you start the session.

  • If the OpenText UFT Agent extension is already installed on your browser, but not enabled, the automatic loading does not enable the extension. For web tests to run correctly, make sure the installed extension is enabled.

Configure this option in the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > GUI Testing > Web > Advanced > Load the OpenText UFT Agent browser extension on Edge) or using the Automation Object Model (AOM).

See the WebOptions object object in the UFT One Automation Object Model Reference.

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Enable UFT One to test local HTML pages in Edge

By default, the ability to run extensions on local HTML files is deactivated in Edge.

To allow the OpenText UFT Agent to run on local HTML files:

  1. In Edge, browse to the following URL: edge://extensions

  2. Locate the OpenText UFT Agent for Microsoft Edge.

  3. Click Details to view the detailed information about the extension.

    Select Allow access to file URLs. Your selection is automatically saved.

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See also: