Known Issues - Apple Safari

This topic lists known issues when using UFT One to test applications running in Apple Safari.

Functionality and settings

The following table lists the known issues about functionality and settings when working with Safari:

JavaScript on your page

Web pages that modify the browser's JavaScript functionality may cause UFT One to behave unexpectedly.

For example, this would include a Web page that replaces the JSON object.

Link fonts and colors

The font and color properties for link objects contain different values in different browsers.

Therefore, if you create standard checkpoints in Microsoft Internet Explorer and select the font and color properties, running these checkpoints in Safari may cause the checkpoints to fail.

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Unsupported UFT One functionality in Safari

The following functionalities are not supported when working with the Safari browser: 

  • Recording. Recording steps on Safari is not supported.

  • Learning objects. Learning objects in the Object Repository Window or Object Repository Manager is not supported. Instead, learn objects using the Remote Object Spy.

  • Maintenance Mode is not supported for Safari.

  • Active Screen. Creating an Active Screen or using the Update Run Mode to update the Active Screen is not supported in Safari.

  • Non-standard checkpoints and output values are not supported. This includes File Content checkpoints and output values, Text checkpoints and output values, and Bitmap checkpoints.

    Page checkpoints, however, are supported. For details, see Page checkpoints.

  • Testing Web-based SAP applications is not supported on Safari.

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Unsupported Safari functionality

  • Safari caching issues: When your script performs an operation, goes back to the previous page, and then attempts to recognize a web object, UFT One cannot recognize objects.

    This is caused by Safari's caching functionality. For more details, see the Apple developer forum.

    Workaround: Refresh the page before trying to identify objects.

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Test objects, methods and properties

Only Web test object steps can run on Safari. All other steps run locally on the UFT One computer, including Web 2.0 test objects or Web Add-in Extensibility-based test objects.

Additionally, the following specific test objects and test object methods are not supported when running on Safari:

Test objects
  • about://* pages

  • Dialog test objects

  • ViewLink objects

  • Web test objects located inside iFrame controls with a blank or about:blank SRC value.

  • WebAgGrid and WebUIGrid objects
  • WebXML test object (and, accordingly, XML checkpoints and output value steps).

  • Web-based environments, such as Siebel, Java, or .NET Web Forms.

  • Test objects in apps developed with Shadow DOM

  • Dialog boxes opened by the browser, such as Alert, Confirm, and Prompt boxes, on all versions of Safari

  • Browser methods: Home, Object, Stop, Back, ClearCache, DeleteCookies, Maximize, Minimize, Restore, FullScreen, Forward

  • ChildObjects method

  • Drag & Drop methods (on all Web test objects)

  • WebFile.Set method

The following known issues exist when working with Safari:

Property values

When using Safari, the innertext, outertext, innerhtml and outerhtml property values may differ from other browsers.

Therefore, using these values in parameters or running checkpoints that use these property values may cause the steps to fail.

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Page checkpoints

The following table lists the known issues about page checkpoints when working with Safari:

Browser differences

Page checkpoints may fail when running on Safari because of differences in browsers.

For page checkpoints this is related to differences in the handling of casing in HTML source files.

Load time property values

The value of the load time for Page and Frame test objects is always 0 when running on Safari.

In Page checkpoints, the load time property is selected by default, therefore Page checkpoints may fail when running on Safari.

Workaround: Deselect the load time property in Page checkpoints that need to run on Safari.

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Run sessions

The following table lists the known issues about run sessions when working with Safari:

Opening a new browser tab

During a run session, steps that click on a Web object that is supposed to open a new browser tab fail to open the new tab.

Workaround: Deactivate the popup blocker in Safari. (Safari > Preferences > Security, clear the Block pop-up windows check box).

Recovery scenarios

When running tests or components on Safari, recovery scenarios are not supported.

Mouse replay types

Running tests or components on Safari using the Mouse replay type is not supported.

Make sure that Event is selected as the Replay type in the Run settings section of the Web > Advanced options pane (Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > Web pane > Advanced node).

Back / Forward operations

Performing Back or Forward options on Safari version 9 (El Capitan) causes unexpected behavior in UFT One.


  1. In Safari, select Preferences > Advanced.

  2. In the menu bar, select the Show Develop menu in menu bar option.

  3. In the Develop menu, select Disable caches.

Wait for page to load When working with multiple tabs, you may need to add Wait steps for your web page to fully load before UFT One continues with the next step. Otherwise UFT One may use a previously opened tab instead of the intended tab.
Smart identification Different Smart Identification properties may be used for the same objects in different steps. Make sure that all the Smart Identification properties are aligned before running your test.

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Remote Mac connections

The following table lists the known issues about remote Mac connections when working with Safari:

Using the automation object model

In the automation object model, WebLauncher.Browser does not support the Safari browser.

To connect to a remote Mac during a test run and open the Safari browser, use the RemoteConnection utility object and its methods.

For details, see the Utility Objects section of the UFT One Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.

Statement completion

Depending on the performance of your connection to the Mac, statement completion for the Object property might not work.

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See also: