Configure license behavior

This topic describes how to configure your UFT One license behavior.

If you are installing UFT Developer on Linux or Mac, or UFT Developer standalone, see the UFT Developer Help Center instead.

Note: Some folder paths intentionally include previous company branding, due to backward compatibility considerations.

General license settings

General licensing behavior is managed in the AutoPass license configuration file, located on your UFT One or UFT Developer machine. This file includes details about supported options and values.

UFT One 24.2 and later UFT One 23.4
The file is located at: C:\ProgramData\OpenText\UFT\License\autopass.txt The file is located at: C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\UFT\License\autopass.txt

Caution: Configure this file with caution.

Incorrect configuration may cause UFT One or UFT Developer to behave unexpectedly, or prevent UFT One or UFT Developer from starting.

Additional configurations include:

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Configure the licensing fallback mechanism

Define whether your system uses the licensing fallback mechanism for UFT One and UFT Developer as follows:

  1. On your AutoPass License Server machine, browse to the C:\ProgramData\autopass\apls\licenseserver\data\conf\UFT.xml file.

    Note: This file is available with AutoPass versions 9.3 or higher.

  2. Edit and add keys and values to set the following values to true, as needed:

    Product License type Key
    UFT One Any


    Runtime Engine Any


    UFT Developer UFT Developer


    UFT Developer Runtime Engine


    Make sure that you add key entries within the <properties> element and after the <comment> element.

    Edit and add keys and values in the following format:

    <entry key="{Key}">{Value}</entry>

Example: To enable the fallback mechanism when you want to use UFT One and you have any of the license types configured, set the relevant key value to true, as follows:

<entry key="license.fallback.uft.rte">true</entry>

Finding a Runtime Engine license

If the fallback mechanism is enabled, and an available Runtime Engine license is found, you will only be able to run your tests, with no creation or editing abilities.

Ensure that you can always access the UFT One IDE or the UFT Developer IDE plug-ins by doing one of the following:

  • Deactivate the fallback mechanism by setting the key values to false (this is the default).

  • Contact your License Server administrator to ensure that any UFT One Runtime Engine licenses are blocked or are in use.

For more details, see Licensing fallback mechanism.

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Configure licensing timeouts

Define the number of minutes, with no keyboard or mouse input, after which UFT One or UFT Developer releases the currently used concurrent license.

Configure a timeout for UFT One or UFT Developer

  1. On your UFT One or UFT Developer machine, open the LicenseSettings.xml file for editing.

    UFT One 24.2 and later UFT One 23.4
    The file is located in the C:\ProgramData\OpenText\UFT\License folder The file is located in the C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\UFT\License folder
  2. Update the following parameters with the number of minutes you want to define for your timeout:


    The number of minutes after which a confirmation message appears, warning the user that the license is about to time-out.

    ConfirmLicenseReleaseTimeout The number of minutes after which the confirmation message closes, and the license is released.

Configure a timeout for your AutoPass concurrent license server

On your AutoPass License Server machine, browse to the UFT.xml file at C:\ProgramData\autopass\apls\licenseserver\data\conf\UFT.xml.

Open the file for editing, and add the following line of code:

<entry key="autorelease.interval"><#></entry>

where # is the number of minutes of inactivity.

Example: The following syntax defines that your license is released after 10 minutes of inactivity.

<entry key="autorelease.interval">10</entry>

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See also: