Known Issues - Viewing Run Results

This topic lists known issues when using the Run Results Viewer to view run results.

Local system monitor

After you run a test or component with the local system monitoring option activated, when the test or component is either very short, or the number of seconds entered for the Enable local system monitoring every: __ seconds option is high (a high percentage relative to the length of your entire test run), when you select one of the last steps in the Run Results tree, the Current Step indicator in the System Monitor pane may jump to a position outside (to the right) of the graph.

Workaround: Add a Wait statement to the end of the test or reduce the number of seconds entered in the Enable local system monitoring every: __ seconds option.

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Screen captures

When running tests on web browsers other than Internet Explorer, screen captures are added to the Run Results Viewer report only for browser objects.

Note: Use HTML run results for a report that includes screen captures.

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Run session errors

Errors during the run session produce more than one error node in the run results.

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Exporting run results

The following issues occur when exporting run results:

  • UAC enabled. When UAC is set to ON and you select to export the Run Results to a system folder, the exported file is stored under Virtual Storage rather than under the specified folder.
  • Exported PDFs. Exporting a Run Results Viewer report to PDF may fail when the report size is too large. In Windows 64-bit versions, exports may fail if the report is over 20 MB. In Windows 32-bit versions, exports may fail if the report is over 10 MB.

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Viewing run results from ALM

If you installed the Run Results Viewer without installing UFT One, then after you run a BPT test from ALM, pressing Show Last Run Results might fail to display the results in the Run Results Viewer if the Visual C++ 2005 redistributable is installed on your computer.

Workaround: Install the UFT Add-in for ALM from the ALM Add-ins page.

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Run results of complex condition steps

Run results of complex conditions are not displayed when using the Run Results Viewer. Use the HTML run results for a detailed run result report.

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Security warnings

When you open a Run Results Viewer report in Internet Explorer and click a node of the Run Results Tree, a security warning may pop up.

Workaround: Ignore this warning or deactivate IE Enhanced Security Configuration.

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