HTTP Tab (Properties Pane - API Testing)

Relevant for: API testing only

This tab enables you to define request and response data for your test steps that perform an HTTP Request to a Web Service or REST service.

To access
  1. Open the Properties pane.

  2. Select an HTTP Request or REST service step in the canvas.

  3. In the Properties Pane, select the HTTP tab .

Relevant tasks Create a REST service model

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets).

UI Element


Body type



  • XML

  • Text

  • File

  • JSON

  • Post Form (Request only)

Remove. Deletes the contents of the:

  • Body text

  • Entered path

  • Selected value in grid


  • File

Browse. Enables you to load a non-XML file containing the request/response body.


  • XML

  • Text (Request only)

  • File

  • JSON

Link Body. Opens the Select Link Source Dialog Box (API Testing) for selecting a data source.

<checkpoint list>

Response pane

A list of the checkpoints with the following information:

  • Name. The name of the checkpoint as it will appear in the results.

  • Regular Expression. A regular expression representing the expected value.

  • Validate. Compares the actual value with the expected value.

<message body>

Request/Response panes

  • XML
  • Text
  • JSON

The body of the request or response loaded through a file, pasted from a clipboard (Edit > Paste), or manually entered (Post form).

<post form list>

Request pane:

  • Post Form

A list of the Post form elements:

  • Name. The name of the element.

  • Value. The element's value.



  • XML

  • JSON

Clears the contents of the Request/Response Body areas.

Import Schema


  • XML

Imports an .xsd file containing the schema of the request or response.
Load File

Request pane:

  • Text

Loads a non-.xml file containing the request.



  • JSON

Loads a .json file containing the request or response.

Load XML


  • XML

Loads an .xml file with the request or response body.


Request pane:

  • XML

  • JSON

Encrypts the plaintext password entered by you.

Use this button to define an encrypted password in the request body. Accordingly, the test output and test report only show the encrypted password instead of the plaintext password.

Request Body

Request pane

The format of the request body: XML, Text, File, JSON, or PostForm.

This request body is found in the <test results folder>\Report\Data folder.

Response Body

Response pane

The format of the response body: XML, Text, File, or JSON.

This response body is found in the <test results folder>\Report\Data folder.