Test Settings Tab (Properties Pane - API Testing)

Relevant for: API testing only

This tab enables you to set global preferences and properties for your test.

Access the Test Settings tab

  1. Open the Properties pane.

  2. In the canvas, select the Start or End node.

  3. In the Properties Pane, select the Test Settings tab .

  4. Under the Properties node, expand each of the following nodes to configure each type of setting:

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Import and export test settings

From the Test Settings tab, click the following to export or import test settings:

Exports the current test settings to an XML file.

Imports an XML file with previously saved Test settings.

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Load settings

The Load Enabled setting indicates whether the test is enabled for load testing.

To enable the test for load testing, select Design > Operation > Enable Test for Load Testing.

Note: After a test is enabled for load testing, you cannot disable it.

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JVM (Java Virtual Machine) settings

These following settings are relevant for all Java related activities such as JMS and Call Java Class activities.

UI Elements



The vendor implementation of Java classes together with any other required supporting classes, as determined by the implementation vendor.

Tip: Secure your JMS configuration. For details, see Configure secured JMS.

Additional VM Parameters

Extra parameters to send to the JVM such as Xbootclasspath, and any parameters specified by the JVM documentation.

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JMS settings

Link each of these properties to a test input variable or a test variable, as needed.

UI Elements


JNDI initial context factory

The fully qualified class name of the factory class that will create an initial context. It provides a list of context factories and enables manual entries.

JNDI provider URL

The URL of the service provider. For example:
Websphere - iiop://myserver:myport

JMS connection factory

The JNDI name of the JMS connection factory. This setting is unique for each test.

JMS security principal

Identity of the principal (for example the user) for the authentication scheme.

JMS security credentials

The principal's credentials for the authentication scheme.

JMS Client ID Client identifier for the connection. The ID you provide is used in subscribe and receive activities, making your test more readable.
SSL password

If you are using a secured queue, provide the client-side SSL settings:

  • The password for the private key or identity store.
  • The full path to the file the represents the set of trusted certificates to use.
  • The full path to the client-side identity file to use.
SSL trusted certificate
SSL identity
Number of JMS connections per process

The number of JMS connections each execution process creates. The default is 1, and the maximum is 50. The fewer connections you have, the better your performance.

Received message timeout options

The timeout for received messages.

  • Indefinite wait. Wait as long as required for the message before continuing.

  • No wait. Do not wait for the Receive message, and return control to the script immediately. If there was no message in the queue, the operation fails.

  • User defined timeout. Wait a specified number of seconds for the message. If it does not arrive, the operation fails.

User defined timeout

The amount of seconds to wait for the message before timing out. The default is 20 seconds.

Automatically generate selector

Generates a selector for the response message with the correlation ID of the request (No by default). Each JMS message sent to the server has a specific ID. Enable this option if you want UFT One to automatically create a selector that includes the message ID.

This option only affects the Send and Receive Message from Queue activity.

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.NET settings

The Assembly paths setting defines the .NET assembly paths for the test.

This entry should include all relevant folder paths and environment variables. Separate multiple values with semicolons.

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General settings

To configure UFT Oneto exit the test if a step fails, set Stop test on step failure to Yes.

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Reporting settings

To open run results automatically after a test run is completed, set Use the report mechanism when running tests to Yes.

See also: