Test Variables Tab (Properties Pane - API Testing)

Relevant for: API testing only

This tab enables you to set global test variables for use in your test.

To access
  1. Open the Properties pane.

  2. Select the Start or End step in the canvas.

  3. In the Properties Pane, select the Test Variables tab .

Relevant tasks Define API test properties or user/system variables

User interface elements are described below.

UI Element


User variables

A list of the user variables for all profiles. When enabling the Compare Profiles option, the grid displays the variable values for each profile in separate columns.

System variables

A read-only list of common system variables and their values:

  • ScenarioID

  • SystemTempDir

  • GroupName

  • TestDir

  • TestName

  • LocalHostName

  • OS

  • OSVersion

  • ProductDir

  • ProductName

  • ProductVer

  • UserName.