Application Object
Relevant for: GUI tests and components
Like most automation object models, the root object of the UFT One automation object model is the Application object.
The Application object represents the application level of UFT One. You can use this object to return other elements of UFT One such as the:
Test object (which represents a test or component document)
Options object (which represents the Options dialog box)
Addins collection (which represents a set of add-ins from the Add-in Manager dialog box)
APITest object (which represents an API test document)
AppArea object (which represents an application area)
You can also use the Application object to perform operations like loading add-ins, starting UFT One, opening and saving tests or components, and closing UFT One.
Each object returned by the Application object can return other objects, perform operations related to the object and retrieve and/or set properties associated with that object.
Every automation script begins with the creation of the UFT OneApplication object. Creating this object does not start UFT One. It simply provides an object from which you can access all other objects, methods and properties of the UFT One automation object model.
Note: You can also optionally specify a remote UFT One computer on which to create the object (the computer on which to run the script). For details, see