Define New Test Object Dialog Box

Relevant for: GUI tests and components

This dialog box enables you to define test objects in your object repository that do not yet exist in your application.

To access

From the Object Repository Manager Main Window or the Object Repository Window, select Object > Define New Test Object.

Important information
  • You cannot use this dialog box to define Insight test objects.

  • When defining a new test object for windowless controls, you must create a new property named acc_name, and include it in the object description.

    Note: The acc_name property is not available in the Object Identification dialog box.

Relevant tasks

Add test objects to an object repository

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements



The list of available environments. The test object classes associated with the selected environment are displayed in the Class box.


  • The environments included in the Environment list correspond to the loaded add-ins. For details on loading add-ins, see the section on loading UFT One add-ins in the Add-ins section of the UFT One Help Center.

  • The Environment list might also include additional environments for which you or a third party developed support using UFT One add-in extensibility.


Select the class of the test object you want to define.


Enter a name for the new test object. After you enter a name, the Test object details area is enabled.

Test object details

Define the properties and values for your test object. The Test object details area automatically contains the mandatory properties defined for the object class in the Object Identification Dialog Box. You can add or remove properties as required, and define values for the properties. For details, see Modify object properties.