Data tables and sheets in GUI tests and components

Relevant for: GUI tests and components

In the Data pane, when you are working with GUI tests or components, UFT One uses Excel data sheets to store data. Depending on whether you are working with tests or components, you can use different types of data sheets:

Type of Sheet Test or component? Description
Global sheet Tests

The global sheet is the main sheet for the test, containing data that is available to all actions/test steps in the test.

If you save your test in ALM or use test configurations, you must store the test data in the Global sheet.

For each row in the Global data sheet, UFT One can run an iteration of the entire test.

Action sheet Tests

The action sheet contains the data relevant for a specific action. Each action in your test has its own action tab, and the data stored in this sheet is available only to the steps contained in the action.

For each row in the Action data sheet, UFT One can run an iteration of the action.

Actions and sheets must match.

Component sheet Components The component sheet contains the data relevant for a specific component. When you create a component, it is created with one sheet, and the data in this component is available only to the steps contained in the component (even if the component is later added to a BPT test.)

When you run the test, UFT One creates a run-time data table—a live version of the data table associated with your test. During the run session, UFT One displays the run-time data in the Data pane so that you can see any changes to the data table as they occur.

When the run session ends, the run-time data table closes, and the Data pane again displays the stored design-time data table. Data entered in the run-time data table during the run session is not saved with the test. The final data from the run-time data table is displayed in the run results (with a link to open the data table).

Retrieving a parameter value from the run-time Data pane sheet

You can use a GetParameter step to retrieve a parameter value from the run-time Data pane sheet.

In GUI tests, function libraries, and Scripted GUI components, you can automatically create a GetParameter step in your test by dragging from the data table.

Select the column you want to use, press Alt, and drag the selected column header into your test. The generated step refers to the GlobalSheet or LocalSheet, depending on the sheet you used:

DataTable.GlobalSheet.GetParameter("ParameterName") or DataTable.LocalSheet.GetParameter("ParameterName")

See also: