Fonts and Colors Tab (Keyword View Options Dialog Box)

Relevant for: GUI actions and components

This tab enables you to specify text and color display options for different elements in the Keyword View.

To access

  1. In the Keyword View, right-click a column header and select View Options.
  2. In the Keyword View Options dialog box, select the Fonts and Colors tab.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements



You can specify different font and color options for each of these Keyword View elements. Select one of the following elements to see the current definitions and modify them:

  • Alternate Rows. The background color of every other row. The font and text color for the alternate rows is the same as the font and text color defined for the Default element.
  • Comment. The row and text of comment lines. Note that all of the available formatting options apply to entire comment rows, not to comments within a step row. For comments within a step row, only the specified Foreground color applies (all other settings are taken from the Alternate Rows, Default, or Selected Row settings, as appropriate).
  • Default. All rows and text in the Keyword View (except for the elements listed below).
  • Selected Row. The row and text currently selected (highlighted).
Font Name

Enables you to modify the font used for text in the selected element. You cannot change the font for Alternate Rows or Selected Row elements.

Note: When testing in a Unicode environment, you must select a Unicode-compatible font. Otherwise, elements in your action or component may not be correctly displayed in the Keyword View. However, the action or component will still run in the same way, regardless of the font you choose.


Enables you to modify the font size used for text in the selected element. You cannot change the font size for Alternate Rows or Selected Row elements.


Enables you to modify the font style used for text in the selected element. You can select Regular, Bold, Italic, or Underline font styles. You cannot change the font style for Alternate Rows or Selected Row elements.


Enables you to modify the text color for the selected element. You cannot change the foreground color for Alternate Rows.


Enables you to modify the row color for the selected element.

Foreground for read-only

Enables you to modify the text color for rows that are read-only. This option cannot be changed for Alternate Rows.

Reset all

Resets all Fonts and Colors tab options to the default settings.

See also: