Text Editor Tab (Options Dialog Box)

Relevant for: GUI testing and API testing

This tab enables you to set options for editing text and code files.

To access

Select Tools > Options > Text Editor tab.

Important information

Clicking the Restore Factory Defaults button resets all product settings, including ALM connection information, the recent files list, and anything defined in the Options dialog box, such as startup options, UI layout, GUI, API, and BPT testing options, remote connection credentials, and more.

See also

The Editor

This tab includes the General pane and the Fonts and Colors pane:

General Pane

UI Element


Word wrap

Wraps lines of code to continue onto subsequent lines without the insertion of a line break character. If this option is not selected, the line of code continues indefinitely on a single line until you manually stop it by pressing the ENTER key or entering a line break character.

Enable folding

Enables sections of code that are grouped together to be expanded and collapsed.

Show class/function browser

Shows or hides the drop-down lists of classes and functions. These lists are located at the top of the Editor. Using the browsers, you can navigate to different classes and functions within your document.

Show line numbers

Shows or hides the line number to the left of each line of code.

Show hidden definitions

Shows or hides text and function definitions defined as hidden.

Show All characters

Displays all SPACE, TAB, and End of Line characters. You can also select to display only some of these characters by selecting or clearing the relevant check boxes.

Convert tabs to spaces

Changes TAB keystrokes in your code to the number of SPACE characters defined in the Tab spacing option.

Tab spacing

The number of characters inserted into a line of code for a TAB character. The number of characters can range from 1 to 16.

Fonts and Colors Pane

UI Element



The font name and size to use for all elements. The Default is Consolas, 10 points.

Note: When testing in a Unicode environment, you must select a Unicode-compatible font. Otherwise, elements in your document may not be correctly displayed in the document window. However, the test or component still runs in the same way, regardless of the font you choose. If you are working in an environment that is not Unicode-compatible, you may prefer to choose a fixed-width font, such as Courier, to ensure better character alignment.

Syntax Coloring

The language or languages whose appearance you want to customize.

Available options:

  • All languages

  • C#

  • VBScript

  • XML

The box below your selection displays all of the elements for which you can configure color and style settings.

You can modify the Foreground and Background colors for a selected element. You can also modify the Style (Bold or Italic), if enabled.


An example of the text element according to your selections above.


Resets all colors and styles to default settings.