Portable copies of tests
Relevant for: GUI tests and API tests
Save your test with any external resources to create a standalone copy, a portable .zip file to share with others, or a UFT One test that can be imported into RPA (Robotic Process Automation).
Simple export to .zip
Use the File > Export Test command to save the test in a portable .zip file.
If your test has external resources, select Export test and resources to a .zip file to ensure that these are included.
Import your zipped test to another instance of UFT One by selecting File > Import Test.
Save GUI tests with resources
Save a standalone copy of your GUI test and its resource files to a local drive or to another storage device.
Select File > Save (Other) > Save with Resources.
UFT One creates a copy of the following and saves the files in the location you specify:
Source test.
Resource files, such as function libraries, shared object repositories, and test configuration files.
Called actions, including actions stored in other tests.
UFT One does not save the resource files associated with other tests. If you call actions from other tests, ensure that the relevant resources are associated with your test.
- Called API tests.
Save API tests with resources
Save a standalone copy of your API test and its resources to a local drive or to another storage device by saving the activity as a local activity.
In the Toolbox pane, right-click on the service name and select Move to > File System Activities. The service moves to the File System Activities section of the Toolbox pane.
Select File > Save (Other) > Save with Resources.
Save a GUI test to import into RPA
Save a zipped copy of your GUI test and its resources so that you can later import it into RPA (version 2020.02 or later):
Open a GUI test.
Select File > Save (Other) > Save for RPA.
- Specify a location in which to save the file.
- Specify whether to save active screen files along with the test.
- Leave the option for exporting the test and its resources to a .zip file selected.
- Click Save.
UFT One creates a zipped copy of the test in the location you specify.
This .zip file contains the following:
Source test.
Resource files, such as function libraries, shared object repositories, and test configuration files.
Called actions, including actions stored in other tests.
UFT One does not save the resource files associated with other tests. If you call actions from other tests, ensure that the relevant resources are associated with your test.
- .XML files that enable RPA to use the test correctly.
See also: