Test Batch Runner Window

Relevant for: GUI tests and API tests

The Test Batch Runner enables you to create and maintain test batch files and add tests to a test batch file.

To access

Open the Test Batch Runner from the Start menu or by running <UFT_One_installdir>/bin/UFTBatchRunner.exe.

Important information
  • You can use Test Batch Runner without having UFT One open.

  • Test Batch Runner cannot include tests created in QuickTest 9.2 or earlier or Service Test 10.00 or earlier.

  • If you are using a concurrent license, select Tests > Close UFT after Test Run to close UFT One and release the license when the test run is complete.
  • The panes within this window can be moved or pinned. Click on a pane and drag it to move it to your desired location, or right-click on the title of the pane to change the options for its display.

Relevant tasks

Create and run a test batch