Known Issues - Business Process Testing in UFT One

Relevant for: business process tests

This topic describes known issues when working with business process testing in UFT One.


Siteminder or CAC models

If you are running your business process test or flow in the Siteminder or CAC model, you will need to select a security certificate during your first run.

This is not required for any subsequent test or flow runs, or when running the test or flow from ALM.

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Business components and application areas

Unicode compliance

Names and paths of components, application areas, and resources (for example, function libraries, object repositories, and recovery scenarios) are not Unicode compliant.

Specify these in English or in the language of the operating system.

Scripts created in QTP 11.00

Business component scripts that were created in QTP 11.00, and contain the ActionName environment variable, return different values for the ActionName variable value when run in UFT One.

For example, an ActionName variable that returned the BC1 value as the component name in QTP 11 returns the BC1[BC1] value in UFT One.

Workaround: Update your scripts as needed to use the new environment variable value.

API components

The following activities, properties, and profiles are not supported in API components:

  • Load Test activities. If you save a load-enabled test as a business component, it will no longer be load-enabled.

  • Automated Testing Tool activities.

  • Encoded password type properties. If the component has a property of type encrypted, the value is treated as an ordinary string, without encoding or decoding.

  • Multiple User Variable profiles. Remove all but one of the profiles.

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Using data in BPT tests

Data table sheets

When referencing data table sheets from a business process test, you should use the data table sheet names, not the SheetIDs.

User-defined environment variables

Sharing values between components in a BPT test cannot be done using user-defined environment variables. Instead, use user-defined run-time settings that you create using the Setting.Add method.

Multiline values for component parameters

When using multiline values for component parameters:

  • If you create the parameter in ALM, you can view and edit the parameter in UFT One.

  • You cannot create a multiline parameter in UFT One.

Test Combinations Generator

The Test Combinations Generator may work unexpectedly if BPT test input parameters have names beginning with numbers.

For example: 1_name

To avoid issues, always start BPT test input parameter names with letters.

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Packaged Apps Kit


You must have the SAP Solutions Add-in installed and loaded for the current business process test to learn flows and components or run business process tests in Change Detection Mode.

Learning flows and components

Learning flows and components is supported only for SAP GUI for Windows applications only.

Learning business tests and flows

If you have an open GUI test, the Record and Run Settings for the test are applicable when you learn a business process test or flow. 

Workaround: Before starting the Learn process, change the Record and Run Settings to the default.

Change Detection mode

Running tests and components in Change Detection mode is supported for SAP GUI for Windows applications only.

Running a business process test

A business process test that you smart record on an SAP GUI for Windows application cannot be run directly or run in Change Detection mode in UFT One.

Workaround: Close UFT One. Then relaunch it and run the test.

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