Remote Agent Settings Dialog Box

Relevant for: GUI tests and components and API testing

This dialog box enables you to view or modify the settings that UFT One uses when ALM runs a test or business process test on your computer.

To access
  1. Open the Remote Agent from the Start menu or by running <UFT_One_installdir>\bin\UFTRemoteAgent.exe.

    The Remote Agent icon is displayed in the task bar tray.

  2. Right-click the Remote Agent icon and select Settings. The Remote Agent Settings dialog box opens.

Relevant tasks

Set UFT One Remote Agent Preferences.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


Restart testing tool after __ runs

For tests, restarts UFT One after ALM completes the specified number of tests runs. When UFT One restarts, it continues with the next test in the test set.

For business process tests, restarts UFT One after ALM completes the specified number of component iterations. However, if it reaches the specified number of iterations in the middle of a business process test run, it waits until the current business process test iteration is finished before restarting.

You may want to use this option to maximize available memory.

If you do not want UFT One to restart during a test set run, enter 0 (default).

Close testing tool after __ idle minutes when running a scheduled test run

Closes UFT One after it has been idle for the specified number of minutes.

This option is applicable when running tests from Server Side Execution in ALM only. For details on Server Side Execution, see Run tests in Server-Side Execution.

This option is ignored if the test is launched from a non-scheduled ALM test run.

Run GUITest Sets in debug mode
GUI tests only

Instructs UFT One to pause test runs at breakpoints inside in a test.

Note: If you select this option when the Run UFT One in hidden mode option is also selected, UFT One does not stop at the breakpoints.

Save the open, modified test before the test run

If an existing test or keyword GUI component is open in UFT One when the Remote Agent begins running a test, this option instructs UFT One to save any unsaved changes to the open test or keyword component.

Note: (for GUI testing): This option is not relevant for function libraries. Therefore, if an existing function library is open in UFT One when the Remote Agent begins running a test, the function library is not saved.

Save the open, new test before the test run

If a new test is open in UFT One when the Remote Agent begins running a test, the test is saved in:<UFT One>\Tests\ALM with a sequential test name.

Note: (for GUI testing): This option is relevant only for tests. Therefore, if a new keyword component or function library is open in UFT One when the Remote Agent begins running a test, the component or function library is not saved.

Run UFT in hidden mode

Specifies whether to run UFT One in hidden (silent) mode when you run a test set from the Test Lab module in ALM. By default, this option is selected.

Display hidden-mode notification tooltip: If this check box is selected, the Remote Agent displays a tooltip window when UFT One runs an ALM test in hidden mode. You can click the tooltip to display UFT One during the test set run. By default, this option is selected.


  • Clicking the notification tooltip clears the Run UFT in hidden mode check box and UFT One runs in normal mode. You can run UFT One in hidden mode again by reselecting Run UFT in hidden mode before the next test set run.
  • When running in hidden mode, UFT One can be optionally redisplayed at the end of each test or at the end of the test set. This behavior is configured in ALM Site Administration using the SUPPORT_TESTSET_END parameter. For details, see the section on setting ALM configuration parameters in the Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide.
  • If you are running a test from the ALM Test Lab module, UFT One does not stop the test at any breakpoints inserted into the test.
Keep UFT open after a Test Lab run session ends

By default, when ALM opens UFT One on a remote computer during a test set run (or when it runs selected tests or configurations from the Test Lab module), it closes UFT One at the end of that Test Lab run session. This ensures that the UFT One license is released at that point and made available for other UFT One users.

Selecting this option causes UFT One to stay open on your computer (and to continue using the UFT One license) after a Test Lab run session ends.

Note: The behavior described above is relevant only when UFT One is opened from an ALM server that has the SUPPORT_TESTSET_END parameter set to Y. (Y is the default setting).

If UFT One is opened from an earlier version of ALM (or the above-mentioned parameter is set to N), this option is ignored and UFT One always remains open at the end of run session.

For details on the SUPPORT_TESTEND_END parameter, see the section on setting ALM configuration parameters in the Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide.

Restart testing tool after

Restarts UFT One if there is no response after the specified number of seconds for:

  • Operations.UFT One operations such as Open or Run.

  • Queries. Standard status queries that remote applications perform to confirm that the application is responding (such as the ALMget_status query).

The default value for both options is 2700 seconds (45 minutes). However, while UFT One operations may take a long time between responses, queries usually take only several seconds. Therefore, you may want to set different values for each of these options.

Note: If a function library with unsaved changes is open in UFT One, UFT One prompts you to save it. If the function library is not saved within 10 seconds, UFT One restarts and any unsaved changes are lost.