Virtual Object Manager Dialog Box

Relevant for: GUI tests and scripted GUI components

This dialog box enables you to view and manage the virtual object collections defined on your computer. From the Virtual Object Manager, you can define and delete virtual objects and collections.

To access
  1. Do one of the following:

    • Ensure that a GUI test, action, or component is in focus in the document pane.
    • In the Solution Explorer, select a GUI test or action node.
  2. Select Tools > Virtual Object > Virtual Object Manager.

Important information

How virtual objects are defined and recognized

Relevant tasks

Define virtual objects for unsupported objects

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Available virtual object collections

Displays the virtual object collections defined on your computer and the virtual objects contained in each collection. Click the + and - signs next to a collection to view or hide the virtual objects defined in that collection.


Opens the Virtual Object Wizard, which guides you through the process of defining a new virtual object for a new or existing collection.


Deletes the selected virtual object or virtual object collection.