Local and component parameters
Relevant for: Keyword GUI components
You can define input parameters that pass values into your keyword component, and output parameters that pass values from your component to external sources or from one step to another step.
You can then use these parameters to parameterize input and output values in steps. Alternatively, you can apply a constant value to the parameter by typing it directly in the Value cell.
Local parameters
Variable values defined within a component for use within the same component.
Local input parameter values can be received and used by a later parameterized step in the same component. You define local input parameters in the Keyword View using the Value Configuration Options Dialog Box and the Parameters Tab (Properties Pane - GUI Testing).
Local output parameters can be returned by an operation or component step for use within the same component. Local output parameter values can be viewed in the business process run results. You define these local output parameters using the Output Options dialog box.
You cannot delete local parameters, but you can cancel the input or output to them.
Component parameters
Variable values defined within a component for use in the same component or later components in the business process test.
Component input parameter values can be received and used as the values for specific, parameterized steps in the component.
Component output parameters can be returned as input parameters in components that are used later in the test. These values can also be viewed in the business process test run results.
You define component input and output parameters in the Parameters pane of the Component Settings dialog box, or in the ALM Business Components module.
Additionally, if you are working with a business process test or flow, you can define parameters in the Properties pane.
See also: