Use the remote AI Object-Detection service

Install the remote AI Object-Detection service on one powerful computer, providing faster and more effective AI capabilities to weaker UFT One computers.


Install the remote AI Object-Detection service on a central powerful computer, and connect your UFT One machines remotely to the service. This way, one strong computer provides the AI capabilities for all the UFT One machines.

AI object detection capabilities in UFT One heavily rely on sophisticated computations and involve graphic processing. We strongly recommend that you use a GPU-powered computer for the remote AI Object-Detection service, to optimize the performance of the AI-based functionality. For specific system requirements, see the Support Matrix.

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Service prerequisites

To be able to use the remote AI Object-Detection service, make sure you have the following installed on your remote computer:

  • A 64-bit operating system, Windows 10 or later.

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable

  • The required Windows feature, depending on your Windows operating system:

    For the most up-to-date instructions on enabling Windows features, see the Microsoft documentation.

GPU prerequisites

To enable GPU processing in the remote AI Object-Detection service:

  • Make sure your remote computer has a NVIDIA graphics card.

  • Make sure you have the following installed on your remote computer. For installation details, see Install the GPU prerequisites.

    • NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 11.6

    • NVIDIA cuDNN for CUDA 11.6

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Install the GPU prerequisites

To enable GPU computing and processing when you are using the remote AI Object-Detection service in UFT One, you must install the required NVIDIA GPU packages, including the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit and its corresponding cuDNN library.

To install the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit for Windows:

  1. Verify that you have a CUDA-capable GPU. See Verify you have a CUDA-capable GPU.

  2. Download the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit from the download site.

  3. Install the CUDA software by executing the CUDA installer and following the on-screen prompts. Alternatively, you can use the silent installation. For details, see Install the CUDA software.

To install the NVIDIA cuDNN for CUDA:

  1. Make sure you are registered for the NVIDIA Developer Program.

  2. Download the NVIDIA cuDNN for CUDA from the NVIDIA cuDNN home page.

  3. Follow the instructions described in Installing on Windows in NVIDIA cuDNN documentation.

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Install the AI Object-Detection service on a remote computer

Install the AI Object-Detection service on a remote computer that is accessible from your UFT One computers.

To obtain the AI Object-Detection service installer:

  1. Download the Full UFT One DVD Release from the free trial page or by selecting your account on the Software Licenses and Downloads page.

    Note: The version of the AI Object-Detection service you install must match the version of the UFT One instances that connect to it remotely.

  2. Extract the files from the downloaded .zip file.

To install the remote AI Object-Detection service:

  1. In the files you extracted from the Full UFT One DVD Release download, locate the Setup.exe file.

  2. Run the Setup program and select Remote AI Object-Detection Service Setup from the installation start screen.

  3. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard to complete your installation.

  4. As part of the installation, you are prompted to provide a port number. This is the port used for communication between the remote AI Object-Detection service and your local UFT One computers. (Default = 443)

To install the remote AI Object-Detection service silently:

  1. In the files you extracted from the Full UFT One DVD Release download, locate the AI Object-Detection Service folder. Perform the next steps within this folder.

  2. Run the following command to install the prerequisites:

    setup.exe /InstallOnlyPrerequisite /s
  3. Run the following command to install the AI Object-Detection service:

    msiexec /i Remote_AI_Installer.msi /qb PORT=<service port number>

To change the port number after installation:

To change the port number after installation, do one of the following:

  • Log into Windows as an administrator, Change the OpenText AI Object-Detection service from the Control Panel, and enter a new port number on the wizard.

  • Open the nginx.conf.template file located in <AI Object-Detection service installdir>\nginx\conf as an administrator, and modify the port number in line 34. This does not update the port number on the installation wizard.

    Restart the OpenText AI Object-Detection Service in the Windows Service Manager to make the setting take effect.

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Connect your local UFT One to the remote AI Object-Detection service

To connect your local UFT One to the remote AI Object-Detection service, configure the connection information in the Tools > Options pane. For details, see Configure the remote AI Object-Detection service connection.

When connected successfully, UFT One will use the remote service for AI Object Detection.

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Secure the communication between UFT One and the remote AI Object-Detection service

UFT One uses the remote AI Object-Detection service to test web applications. Therefore, it is important to secure the connection between UFT One and the remote AI Object-Detection service, preventing inappropriate access to your UFT One computer and Web pages.

By default, the remote AI Object-Detection service communicates with UFT One over SSL with a self-signed certificate. To enhance security, you can set up communication between UFT One and the remote AI Object-Detection service using a CA certificate.

To secure the communication using a CA certificate:

  1. Prerequisite: You have a certificate signed by a recognized CA and the corresponding certificate key file.

  2. Save your certificate file and certificate key file to the <remote ai installation directory>\nginx\conf folder on your remote computer.

  3. Open the nginx.conf.template file in the same directory.

  4. Change the values of ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key in the nginx.conf.template file to the names of the new certificate files and save the template file.

    server {
    	listen				443 ssl;
    	ssl_certificate			cdls-selfsigned.pem;
    	ssl_certificate_key 	        cdls-selfsigned.key;
  5. Restart the OpenText AI Engine Service in the Control Panel > Administrator Tools > Services to make the settings take effect.

    In Windows 11, Administrator Tools is called Windows Tools.

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