InputAttachment Object
Relevant for: API testing only
In this topic:
Accesses the properties of the test step's input attachments.
this.<activity>.Context.InputAttachments.<supported object or method>
Supported Methods
Attributes object
BaseURL object
ChildNodes object
CreateAttribute method
CreateCDataSection method
CreateComment method
CreateElement method
CreateEntityReference method
CreateNode method
CreateWhitespace method
CreateXMLDeclaration method
DocumentElement object
DocumentType object
FirstChild object
GetElementsbyId method
GetElementsbyTagName method
GetEnumerator method
GetNamespaceOfPrefix method
HasChildNodes object
ImportNode method
InnerText object
InnerXML object
InsertAfter method
InsertBefore method
IsReadOnly object
LastChild object
Load method
LoadXML method
LocalName object
Name object
NamespaceURL object
NameTable object
NextSibling object
NodeType object
OwnerDocument object
ParentNode object
Prefix object
PrependChild method
PreserveWhitespace object
PreviousSibling object
ReadNode method
RemoveAll method
RemoveChild method
ReplaceChild method
SchemaInfo object
Schemas object
SelectNodes method
SelectSingleNode method
Supports method
Validate method
Value object
WriteContentTo method
WriteTo method
this.StServiceCallActivity8.InputAttachments.Load(@"<my file path>");