Data Driving Dialog Box

Relevant for: API testing only

Enables you to populate the input property and checkpoint values for a step, with data expressions.

To access
  1. Select a step within the canvas.

  2. In the Properties pane, open the Input/Checkpoints tab .

  3. Click in the Properties pane's toolbar.

Relevant tasks

Assign data to API test/component steps

The following elements are included:

UI Elements


Data Provider

The source type of the data: Excel or XML.

Data Driven Section - for Input/Checkpoint properties

The type of properties on which to apply the data driving. These options are available when data driving standard input and output checkpoints properties.

  • Input. All input properties listed in the grid.

  • Checkpoints. All checkpoints listed in the grid. For array type properties, you must create at least one array element in order to data drive the array.

  • Both Input and Checkpoints. All properties.

Note: Activities that do not have output parameters, such as Report Message and System type activities, will only show the Input option.

Data Driven Section - for Request/Response

The schema to data drive. These options are available when data driving XSD schema files for an HTTP, SOAP Request, CoAP, or REST step.

  • Request Body. All input properties associated with the request body.

  • Response Body. All output properties associated with the response body. For array type properties, you must create at least one array element in order to enable data driving.

  • Both Request Body and Response Body. All entities in both schemas.

Note: These options are only available after importing a schema into the Input and/or Checkpoints sections.

Data Driven Section - for SOAP Fault properties

Fault Properties. The SOAP Fault properties to data drive. This option is available when invoking data driving in the Properties pane's SOAP Fault view.

Note: These options are only available for Web Service and SOAP Request steps.

Data Driven Section - for Multipart properties

The multipart properties to data drive. These options are available for an HTTP step with a multipart message.

  • Request MultipartInfo. Only Request multipart properties.

  • Response MultipartInfo. Only Response multipart properties.

  • Both Request MultipartInfo and Response MultipartInfo. All multipart properties.

Use the same data source for both sections

Uses the same data source for the Input/Checkpoint properties or Request/Response body. When selected, UFT One creates a single Excel worksheet with columns for both the Input and Output properties. For example, for the sample application's CreateFlightOrder step, UFT One creates a single worksheet with columns for the Input properties: Class, CustomerName, DepartureDate, FlightNumber, NumberofTickets, and the Output properties: OrderNumber, and TotalPrice.

Note: This option is available only when selecting the Both option, for an Excel Data Provider type.

Configure 'Test Flow/Loop' as a ForEach loop using the new data source

Runs the steps in the Test Flow or Loop using a For Each type loop, with the values from the newly created data source. The number of iterations is determined by the number of rows in the data source—it performs one iteration for each row. This setting is applied to the innermost loop containing the data-driven step.

Note: This option overrides the configuration that you may have set for the Test Flow/Loop settings.