AI-based Testing


The objects, methods, and properties described in this section can be used when testing applications using UFT One's Artificial-Intelligence (AI) capabilities.


AI-based testing is supported on the following technologies:

Web, mobile, and SAP GUI for Windows.

AI objects are supported in UFT One only when:

  • The UFT One Web Add-in, Mobile Add-in, or SAP Solutions Add-in is installed and loaded.
  • The UFT One AI Features are installed and AI is enabled in the UFT One options. For details, see the UFT One Help Center.

Supported Test Objects

AICalendarAn internal object used to perform operations on a calendar object identified using AI.
AIUtilA utility object for AI-based testing. This object is used to access all other objects in this table.
AIObjectAn internal object used to perform operations on an object identified using AI.
AITableAn internal object used to perform operations on a grid object identified using AI.
AITableCellAn internal object used to perform operations on a table cell object identified using AI.
AITextObjectAn internal object used to perform operations on text identified using AI.
AIRegexAn object that contains a regular expression, describing text for AI-based object identification.
AIRunSettingsAn object containing the settings for the current test run.