JavaApplet Object


A Java applet.


The sections below list the built-in methods and properties that you can use as operations for the JavaApplet object.

Note: You can also view a list and descriptions of the JavaApplet description properties, for use in object repository descriptions, programmatic descriptions, checkpoint and output value steps, and as argument values for the GetTOProperty and GetROProperty methods.


Common Method CaptureBitmapSaves a screen capture of the object as a .png or .bmp image using the specified file name.
Common Method CheckChecks whether the actual value of an item matches the expected value.
Common Method CheckPropertyChecks whether the actual value of the specified object property matches the specified expected value within the specified timeout.
Common Method ChildObjectsReturns the collection of child objects contained within the object.
Common Method GetAllROProperties

Returns the collection of properties and current values from the object in the application.

Method ClickClicks the specified location with the specified mouse button.
Method CreateObjectCreates an instance of any Java object within your application.
Method DblClickDouble-clicks the specified location with the specified mouse button.
Method FireEventSimulates an event on a test object using one of several pre-defined event constants.
Method FireEventExSimulates an event on a Java test object, given the ClassName, Event ID, and Event Parameters.
Common Method GetROPropertyReturns the current value of the description property from the object in the application.
Method GetStaticsReturns the Java object capable of accessing static members (methods and fields) of the specified Java class.
Common Method GetTOPropertiesReturns the collection of properties and values used to identify the object.
Common Method GetTOPropertyReturns the value of the specified description property from the test object description.
Common Method HighlightHighlights the object in the application.
Method MouseDragPerforms a mouse drag and drop operation from the specified X1, Y1 coordinates to the specified Xn, Yn coordinates.
Common Method OutputRetrieves the current value of an item and stores it in a specified location.
Method PressKeyPresses the specified key and modifier in the object.
Common Method RefreshObjectInstructs UFT One to re-identify the object in the application the next time a step refers to this object.
Common Method SetTOPropertySets the value of the specified description property in the test object description.
Common Method ToStringReturns a string that represents the test object.
Method TypeTypes the specified text in the object.
Common Method WaitPropertyWaits until the specified object property achieves the specified value or exceeds the specified timeout before continuing to the next step.


Common Property ExistChecks whether the object currently exists in the open application.
Common Property ObjectAccesses the native methods and properties of the object.

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Click Method


Clicks the specified location with the specified mouse button.


object.Click (X, Y, [MouseButton])


X Required. A Variant.
The x-coordinate of the click.
Y Required. A Variant.
The y-coordinate of the click.
MouseButton Optional. A String value.
Indicates whether the click should be performed with the left or right mouse button.
Possible values: 
   "LEFT" (default)

Default value = "LEFT"

Return Type



You must enter valid x- and y-coordinates.


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CreateObject Method


Creates an instance of any Java object within your application.


object.CreateObject (ClassName, ConsArgs)


ClassName Required. A String value.
The Java class name.
ConsArgs Required. None
Any arguments required for the object's constructor. Enter the values in a comma separated list. If no arguments are required for the constructor, you do not need to supply a value for the ConsArgs argument.

Return Type

A Variant.

Returns an object reference. You can use this reference to access the object's methods and properties, without using the Object property.


  • The class loader of the Java test object on which the CreateObject method is performed is used to load the class of the newly created Java object.
  • We recommend using the CreateObject method on a test object from the same toolkit as the object you want to create. For example, to create a Swing/JFC object, use the CreateObject method on an existing Swing/JFC Java test object.
  • For more information on the CreateObject method, and additional documentation on standard JDK classes, see the Java documentation.


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DblClick Method


Double-clicks the specified location with the specified mouse button.


object.DblClick (X, Y, [MouseButton])


X Required. A Variant.
The x coordinate of the location on the applet to be clicked.
Y Required. A Variant.
The y-coordinate of the location on the applet to be clicked.
MouseButton Optional. A String value.
Indicates whether the double-click should be performed with the left or right mouse button.
Possible values: 
   "LEFT" (default)
Default value = "LEFT"

Return Type



You must enter valid x- and y-coordinates.


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FireEvent Method


Simulates an event on a test object using one of several pre-defined event constants.


object.FireEvent (EventType, EventArguments)



Required. A Numeric Value.
The name of the pre-defined constant for the event you want to fire.

Possible values: micMouseEnter, micMouseExit, micMouseClick, micMousePress, micMouseRelease, micMouseDrag, micMouseMove, micKeyPress, micKeyRelease, micKeyType, micFocusGain, micFocusLost.

Note: The FireEvent method is supported only for java.awt.* components .

The events for org.eclipse.swt.widgets.* controls are not supported.

EventArguments Required. None

Any parameters of the event's constructor except for the source and EventID. You can pass any Java constant that is used as one of the event’s constructor parameters using its string instead of its value. Enter the values in a comma separated list. If no additional parameters are required, you do not need to supply a value for the EventArguments argument.

Return Type



  • If the list of pre-defined constants does not cover the event you want to fire, you can use the FireEventEx method to fire any event that has a constructor.
  • This method is not supported for SWT-based controls.

For more information on the FireEvent method, and additional documentation on events, see the Java documentation.


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FireEventEx Method


Simulates an event on a Java test object, given the ClassName, Event ID, and Event Parameters.


object.FireEventEx (ClassName, EventId, EventArguments)


ClassName Required. A String value.
The name of the Java class representing the event to be activated.
EventId Required. A String value.
The event ID number or the final field string that represents the event ID.
EventArguments Required. None

Any parameters of the event's constructor except for the source and EventID. You can pass any Java constant that is used as one of the event’s constructor parameters using its string instead of its value. Enter the values in a comma separated list. If no additional parameters are required, you do not need to supply a value for the EventArguments argument.

Return Type



  • You can use FireEventEx for any Java event.
  • This method is not supported for SWT-based controls.

For more information on the FireEventEx method, and additional documentation on events, see the Java documentation.


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GetStatics Method


Returns the Java object capable of accessing static members (methods and fields) of the specified Java class.


object.GetStatics (ClassName)


ClassName Required. A String value.
The Java class name whose static members you want to access.

Return Type

A Variant.

A reference to a Java object.


The class loader of the Java test object on which the GetStatics method is performed is used to load the class specified as a parameter of the GetStatics method.


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MouseDrag Method


Performs a mouse drag and drop operation from the specified X1, Y1 coordinates to the specified Xn, Yn coordinates.


object.MouseDrag (X1, Y1, X2, Y2, [MouseButton])


X1 Required. A Variant.
The x-coordinate of the location from which to begin the mouse drag.
Y1 Required. A Variant.
The y-coordinate of the location from which to begin the mouse drag.
X2 Required. A Variant.
The x-coordinate of the location where the mouse drag stops.
Y2 Required. A Variant.
The y-coordinate of the location where the mouse drag stops.
MouseButton Optional. A String value.
Indicates whether the click should be performed with the left or right mouse button. 
Possible values: 
       "LEFT" (default)
Default value = "LEFT"

Return Type



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PressKey Method


Presses the specified key and modifier in the object.


object.PressKey (Key, [Modifier])



Required. A String value.
The keyboard key(s) to press. If you want to press a function or operation key, use a constant from the following list:

micF1. Presses the F1 key.

micF2. Presses the F2 key.

micF3. Presses the F3 key.

micF4. Presses the F4 key.

micF5. Presses the F5 key.

micF6. Presses the F6 key.

micF7. Presses the F7 key.

micF8. Presses the F8 key.

micF9. Presses the F9 key.

micF10. Presses the F10 key.

micF11. Presses the F11 key.

micF12. Presses the F12 key.

micLeft. Presses the left arrow key.

micRight. Presses the right arrow key.

micDwn. Presses the down arrow key.

micUp. Presses the up arrow key.

micTab. Presses the TAB key.

micReturn. Presses the RETURN or ENTER key.

micBack. Presses the BACK key.

micDel. Presses the DELETE key.

micHome. Presses the HOME key.

micEnd. Presses the END key.

micEsc. Presses the ESC key.

micPause. Presses the PAUSE key.

micPrintScr. Presses the PRINT SCREEN key; supported for JavaFX only.

micIns. Presses the INSERT key.

Modifier Optional. A String value.
The modifier(s) to use.
Supported modifiers:

Default value = ""

Return Type



When typing keys during a recording session, UFT One records the PressKey method when one or more hot keys (such as F-keys, Alt, and Ctrl) are used. 

It also records the PressKey method for any typed key in a Java object that supports text editing, but does not support the Set method.


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Type Method


Types the specified text in the object.


object.Type (Text)



Required. A String value.
The text to type and/or the modifier(s) to press.
Supported modifiers:

For additional supported keyboard presses, see PressKey method.

Return Type



This method is not recorded. (Keyboard operations are recorded using the Set or PressKey methods.) The Type method is useful for entering a combination of text and keyboard modifiers. You concatenate text strings and keyboard modifiers using the ampersand (&) symbol. For example, you can enter: Type "Hello World" & micCtrl & "S"

To add this method to your test, use the Step Generator or enter it manually in the Keyword View or Editor. For more information, see the UFT One User Guide.

Note: Although the Type method is supported for most objects, if you enter a Type statement for an object in which a user cannot enter text, the method has no visual effect.


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See also: