RunAction Statement


Runs the specified action in the test.


  • The RunAction statement can run only actions that are already associated with your test as part of the test flow. Therefore, in order to enter a RunAction statement in the Editor for an external action, you must first insert a call to the action (Design > Call to New Action) or copy the external action (Design > Call to Copy of Action) into your test. Using this option associates the action with the test and also inserts a RunAction statement for you. After the external action is added to the test flow, you can add additional calls to that external action in the Editor.

    If you insert a RunAction statement in the Editor for an external action that is not already associated with your test as a part of the test flow, the RunAction statement fails. For more details on copying or calling external actions, see the UFT One User Guide.

  • Do not use this statement to call an external action from within a function library. Instead, use the LoadAndRunAction Statement.

  • This statement is not supported in the Console Pane (Debug panes).


RunAction ActionName, [Iteration ,Parameters]






The name of the action.

Note: You must specify the action name explicitly on the statement. Do not use a variable. For example, write:
and not:
RunAction aName




-- oneIteration or 0 (Default)—Runs the action only once, using the row in the action's data sheet that corresponds to the global data sheet iteration counter.

If the action's data sheet contains fewer rows than the global sheet, the last row of the action's data sheet will be used for each subsequent iteration.

-- allIterations or 1—Runs iterations on all rows.

-- iteration row range (for example, "1-7")—Indicates the rows for which action iterations will be performed

Note: Iteration is required when calling an external action, but optional when calling a local action (from within the test).




The values and storage locations for the called action's input and output parameters. Input parameters are listed before output parameters.

For an input parameter, specify either a fixed value or the name of another defined parameter (data table parameter, environment parameter, or an action input parameter of the calling action) from which the argument should take its value.

For an output parameter, specify either a variable in which you want to store the value or the name of a defined parameter (data table parameter, environment parameter, or an action output parameter of the calling action).

Return Value


If the action called by the RunAction statement includes an ExitAction statement, the RunAction statement can return the value of the ExitAction's RetVal argument. For more details, see ExitAction Statement.


See also: