SiebelOpenUI Toolkit Library


The objects, methods, and properties described in this section can be used when testing Siebel OpenUI objects.


  • Siebel OpenUI objects are supported in UFT One only when the UFT One Web Add-in is installed and loaded.
  • Siebel OpenUI objects extend test objects from the UFT One Web Add-in and inherit many of their operations and description properties from those objects.

Note: When selecting a method for Siebel OpenUI objects, the autocompletion list displays some of the object's internal methods. These methods should not be used in your tests.

Supported Test Objects

Test ObjectDescription
SblOUIAdvancedEditA Siebel Open UI Advanced Edit field.
SblOUIAppletA Siebel Open UI applet
SblOUICheckBoxA checkbox object in a SiebelOpenUI application.
SblOUIComboBoxA Siebel Open UI Advanced Edit Combo Box field.
SblOUIDropDownButtonA Siebel Open UI button that opens a dropdown menu..
SblOUIMenuA Siebel Open UI application-level menu.
SblOUIObjectA generic Siebel Open UI Object.
SblOUITableA Siebel Open UI Table.
SblOUITabStripA Siebel Open UI tab strip control.
SblOUITreeA Siebel Open UI tree control.