UIAProDataItem description properties
The UIAProDataItem test object supports the description properties listed in the table below.
For a list of the object's native properties and methods see:
Property Name | Description |
abs_x | The object's absolute x-coordinate (left) relative to the screen (in pixels). 0,0 is always the top-left corner of the (primary) monitor. If you are working with multiple monitors, the coordinate in the secondary monitor is relative to the primary monitor. For example, given a resolution of 1280 x 1024 in the primary monitor, if the secondary monitor is positioned to the right of the primary monitor, the x-coordinate is 1280 or greater. If the secondary monitor is placed to the left of the primary monitor, the x-coordinate is negative. |
abs_y | The object's absolute y-coordinate (top) relative to the screen (in pixels). 0,0 is always the top-left corner of the (primary) monitor. If you are working with multiple monitors, the coordinate in the secondary monitor is relative to the primary monitor. For example, given a resolution of 1280x1024 in the primary monitor, if the secondary monitor is positioned below the primary monitor, the y-coordinate is 1024 or greater. If the secondary monitor is placed above the primary monitor, the y-coordinate is negative. |
acceleratorkey | The sequence of key combinations that invoke an action associated with the element. |
accesskey | The character that is used to activate the object. |
automationid | An ID for an object that is unique among siblings within its container. |
controltype | The UIAutomation type for the object. |
frameworkid | The name of the UI framework, such as Win32, WinForm, or DirectUI. |
haskeyboardfocus | Indicates whether the element currently has keyboard focus. Possible values:
height | The object's height (in pixels). |
hwnd | The handle of the run-time object's window. |
isenabled | Indicates whether the object is enabled. Possible values:
iskeyboardfocusable | Indicates whether the element currently can have keyboard focus. Possible values:
isoffscreen | Indicates whether the UI Automation element is visible on the screen. Possible values:
ispassword | Indicates whether the UI Automation element contains protected content. Possible values:
name | The name of the control. |
nativeclass | The class name assigned to the object. |
path | The hierarchy of the object. |
processid | The ID of the process. |
processname | The name of the process. |
status | The status of the object. |
supportedpatterns | A semi-colon delimited list of the patterns supported by the object. |
width | The object's width (in pixels). |
x | The object's x-coordinate (left), relative to the parent window (in pixels). |
y | The object's y-coordinate (top), relative to the parent window (in pixels). |
See also:
- UIAProAppBar
- UIAProButton
- UIAProCalendar
- UIAProCheckBox
- UIAProComboBox
- UIAProDataGrid
- UIAProDataItem
- UIAProDocument
- UIAProEdit
- UIAProGroup
- UIAProHeader
- UIAProHeaderItem
- UIAProHyperLink
- UIAProImage
- UIAProList
- UIAProListItem
- UIAProMenu
- UIAProMenuBar
- UIAProMenuItem
- UIAProObject
- UIAProPane
- UIAProProgressBar
- UIAProRadioButton
- UIAProScrollBar
- UIAProSemanticZoom
- UIAProSeparator
- UIAProSlider
- UIAProSpinner
- UIAProSplitButton
- UIAProStatusBar
- UIAProTab
- UIAProTabItem
- UIAProTable
- UIAProText
- UIAProThumb
- UIAProTitleBar
- UIAProToolBar
- UIAProToolTip
- UIAProTree
- UIAProTreeItem
- UIAProWindow