SSL with a CA certificate

To use SSL with a CA certificate with OpenText Functional Testing Lab and OpenText Functional Testing when using a CI/CD server, you must first install your CA certificate on the computer.

Note: If you are using a self-signed certificate, the certificate is installed by default and this topic is not relevant.

Install your CA certificate on the testing computer

Install your CA certificate on the OpenText Functional Testing machine once for the OpenText Functional Testing Lab server, and once for each connector machine.

To install the certificate, you navigate to the OpenText Functional Testing Lab server, download the certificate, and install it on your machine. The details for these steps differ, depending on the browser you use and the machine on which you install. This information is not specific to OpenText Functional Testing.

To install your CA certificate:

  1. Navigate to the HTTPS URL:

    In your browser, browse to the OpenText Functional Testing Lab server or connector machine using the following syntax: https://<server_name_or_IP_address>:<port>

  2. Handle security warning: 

    If you are prompted about the website's security, click to open the website despite the warning.

  3. Access the certificate: 

    View the website's certificate. Depending on the browser, click the padlock icon in the browser address bar, or open the browser settings.

  4. Install the certificate: 

    Select the option to install the certificate and follow the instructions of the installation wizard. Specify that the certificated be saved in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.

    If a security warning is displayed, confirm the installation by clicking Yes or Allow.

  5. Verify the certificate installation by refreshing the URL is your browser and making sure there are no SSL certificate-related errors.

  6. Test the connection to OpenText Functional Testing Lab

    In the OpenText Functional Testing Lab Options dialog, enter the OpenText Functional Testing Lab server address and port. Click Test Connection.

For more details, see Connect to a Functional Testing Lab or to mobile devices.

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Install your CA certificate on the CI server machine

If you are running your tests from Jenkins or Bamboo and are using a CA certificate with SSL, you must install the certificate on the OpenText Functional Testing computer and on the CI server.

For details on installing on the OpenText Functional Testing computer, see Install your CA certificate on the testing computer.

To install your CA certificate on the Jenkins server:

  1. Navigate to the HTTPS URL:

    In your browser, browse to the OpenText Functional Testing Lab server or connector machine using the following syntax: https://<server_name_or_IP_address>:<port>

  2. Handle security warning: 

    If you are prompted about the website's security, click to open the website despite the warning.

  3. Access the certificate: 

    View the website's certificate. Depending on the browser, click the padlock icon in the browser address bar, or open the browser settings.

  4. Export the certificate: 

    Save the certificate to a file. Follow the instructions in the export wizard, selecting the DER encode binary X.509 option and specifying a name and location for the saved file.

  5. Import the certificate into the CI server: 

    For Jenkins:

    Run the following script in the <jenkins installation>\jre\bin folder:

    keytool.exe -import -file "{certificate file path}" –keystore "{jenkins_installation_path}\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -alias mc -storepass changeit –noprompt

    For example:

    keytool.exe -import -file "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\FT.cer" -keystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -alias mc -storepass changeit -noprompt

    For Bamboo: 

    Run the following command:

    Copy code
    keytool -keystore "{java installation path}\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit -import -alias <YOUR_ALIAS> -file "<CERT_FILE_PATH>"

    For example:

    Copy code
    keytool -keystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_02/lib/security/cacerts" -storepass changeit -import -alias mc -file "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mc.cert"

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See also: