File Content Editor (Checkpoint Properties Dialog Box) - File Content Checkpoints
Relevant for: GUI tests and scripted GUI components
When working with a file content checkpoint, the Properties Grid area displays a File Content Editor which enables you to specify the text to check in a document that is generated or accessed during a run session.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element |
Description |
Comparison file path |
The file path of the generated document that you want to compare during the run session. You can enter a path manually or click the Select Comparison File button to navigate to the required file. The path can be relative or absolute (unless you use a regular expression). The file must be located in the file system. When you initially specify a file to compare, the textual content from that file is displayed in the file content editor of the dialog box as the expected value of the checkpoint. If you later change this path, the content in the file content editor is not affected. Note: The document must not be password-protected, otherwise, OpenText Functional Testing will not be able to access it during a run session. You can use the following when specifying the document path:
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Select/Clear Line for Verification. This switch enables you to select or clear a line to compare with the generated file during a run session. When you select a line, the line is highlighted and its checkbox is selected. (Also available from the context menu) |
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Treat Line as Regular Expression/Plain Text. This switch enables you to instruct OpenText Functional Testing to look for and handle regular expressions in the line. Note: The line does not need to be selected for comparison to insert a regular expression (or to modify the text in general). (Also available from the context menu) |
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Add Parameter to Line. Opens the Value Configuration Options Dialog Box. You use this dialog box to define a parameter as a constant or parameter value. For example, suppose you inserted a parameter in the Comparison file path box because you want to compare a different file during each iteration. You can use a data table parameter to specify a different value to use for each iteration. (Also available from the context menu) |
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Open Regular Expression Evaluator. Opens the Value Configuration Options Dialog Box. You use this dialog box to create and test a regular expression enabling you to determine whether it suits your needs. (Also available from the context menu) |
Preview Comparison. Opens a comparison window showing the differences between the source file in the file system and the currently displayed file in the file content editor. Note: If you select Checkpoint Properties in the Advanced File Content Checkpoint Properties Dialog Box), these properties are ignored during a preview comparison. (Comparison Settings, however, are included in the preview comparison.) |
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Search for. Text box in which you can optionally enter text for which to search. As you type, all instances of the specified text are highlighted. Press Enter to jump to the first instance if it is not visible in the file content editor. You can use the following buttons to navigate between each instance of the specified text:
Advanced |
Opens the Advanced File Content Checkpoint Properties Dialog Box. This dialog box enables you to set additional comparison settings and checkpoint properties. |
Page |
The page from the source file being compared. Pages are displayed only when the content from the source file exceeds one page. You can: