Output Text Options Area (Output Value Properties Dialog Box) - Text/Text Area Output Values
Relevant for: GUI tests and scripted GUI components
This topic is part of the Output Value Properties Dialog box.
The Output Text Options area displays different options depending on whether you are checking the specific text to output, or the text before/after the output text:

User interface elements are described below:
UI Element |
Description |
<Text Area list> |
The current output value settings for the selected text. When you create a new output value, the default output definition is displayed for the value. |
Modify |
Enables you to set parameterization and other preferences for each of the string elements in your output value, by opening the Output Options Dialog Box . |

User interface elements are described below:
UI Element |
Description |
Use the text before / Use the text after |
When selected, the current Text Before / Text After value is displayed in the Constant box. When cleared, OpenText Functional Testing retrieves the value of the first occurrence of the defined output string, regardless of the text displayed before it (if you chose Text Before) or after it (if you chose Text After). Note: When this checkbox is cleared, the options below it are not available. |
Text to capture is displayed before occurrence / Text to capture is displayed after occurrence |
Specifies the exact occurrence of the value specified in the Constant or Parameter box, if the value is displayed more than once in the object or area. If you accept the default text that OpenText Functional Testing recommends, the number in this box is correct. For example, if the selected output string is displayed before the first occurrence of the string First (as shown in the dialog box above). When Text After is selected, the number 1 is displayed in the Text to capture is displayed before occurrence box. If you modify the recommended value, you must confirm that the occurrence number is accurate. If you choose text that is not unique in the defined object or area, change the occurrence number appropriately. For example, if you want to output the text displayed after the third occurrence of the string Advantage Online Shopping, select Text Before and enter 3 in the Text to capture is displayed after occurrence box. Note: OpenText Functional Testing starts counting occurrences of the specified Text After value from the beginning of the text string you selected to output, and includes any occurrences within the output value string itself. |
Constant |
Sets the Text Before or Text After value as a constant. A constant is a value that is defined directly within the test. It remains set for the duration of the test. When you are creating a text output value with Text Before selected, the Constant box displays the captured Text Before value. When you are creating a text output value with Text After selected, the Constant box displays the captured Text After value. You can change the value by typing in the text box. When you are creating a text area output value, the Text Before and Text After values are not captured. You can enter the text by typing or copying it into the Constant box. Tip: We recommend specifying a text string that is unique within the object or area whenever possible, to ensure that the occurrence number is 1. |
Parameter |
Sets the Text Before or Text After value as a parameter. For details on specifying parameter values, see Configure constant and parameter values. |